You do not make it easy for me to love you, Funcom

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance]
Region: [EU]

After a few months break, I am back and unfortunately not pleased. Still constantly lag, stuttering and freezes. Disappearing building parts within my base. No Thralls allowed in the volcano etc. and I play on SSD. So Funcom, what’s going on here? What is the problem? Still a beta game since release? Are you serious? This post is not for you Ignasis. I know that you do your best to mediate between community and dev team. But your devs have to seriously ask themselves why they can not handle this game technically. I mean, it’s not a Tripple A game. I love this game despite the many problems, but it annoys me that it is not possible to develop a working game. Under these circumstances, I will no longer buy DLCs. Sorry Funcom. With Tencent, you now have great support from China. Maybe you should use their knowledge for you.

AND yeah my english is not good. I know, i know. Sorry.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Play the Game on PS4
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What? Lava does not one shot you anymore…

If you have pro: Turn off “boost mode” and set it 720p. I have a ps4 pro with the standard 1TB hdd and only lags when I open some chests.

I play on a normal PS4 with SSD. Not pro. And you have no stuttering and lag on an official server? Ok, I mean, it’s up to my Playstation or how am I supposed to interpret that? Conan is the only game in which I have these massive problems. I play games like For Honor and my ping is always great. So it can not be due to my internet connection. So you have to buy a new Playstation, so that you can play conan lagfree, although other games run without problems? It does not really open up to me

I have sometimes lags. But little ones, like when you go to your chest for the first time…

But nothing unplayable.

And I play only PvE. Where do you have the lags? Always? In fights (PvP)?

I play PVE-C. I have lags or stuttering all the time. In fights against NPCs, when I walk past other bases or in my own base. And if I walk past a large base in 80% of the cases i have a freeze.

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Hello @D-HiTmAn-H, thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

Could you please let us know if you’re on a wired or wireless connection and what sort of ping you’re getting on the server you’re currently playing on?

Are you aware if the stuttering persists on any server you join, or even in singleplayer/coop sessions?

Hey Hugo,

I am wired. Server Ping is 33. So it’s pretty good. But I’ve had these problems on every server so far, even in the single player. Although the loadind times have been drastically shortened by the SSD, stuttering has not improved

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Have you had the chance to try a full reinstall of the game?

It’s not a common occurrence to have the game stutter at all times (especially in singleplayer) so, to discard any problem that could relate to the current installation or previous patching, we’d recommend to try this step before any further measures.

The installation is new. It’s been a week.
Also in places like the Black Galleon I have massive frame drops. Maybe I’ll have 15 or 10 fames if I fight there. This is partly unplayable. If somebody tells me that my console is the problem because I’m the only player who has these problems, ok, then I have to accept that, but then I wonder why I only have these kinds of problems in Conan.

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Would it be possible for you to share a video capture of some gameplay so that we have a better understanding of the performance issue you’re facing?

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Sorry, i’m done with this Game and Funcom. 5 Freezes today while using the Maproom. Can not place a f… small wheel of pain on the f… ground. A purge in the middle of my closed base. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl::rofl::rofl::ok_hand::+1::+1::+1: Constantly disappearing building parts on my spiral staircase etc. Good luck still Funcom.

And Hugo, that’s not against you. Please do not get this wrong. Thx for your help attempts. For me, conan feels like a testing ground for Dune.

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