They are totally out of balance! Just take some and broke your opponent weapon and armor. -10 durab per part per tick…too OP for such low price and no skill to use
Aye, just remove them funcom. There was never any need for them. Just admit the huge mistake and let them go
Well what do we know its only been several days since the update and PvP is already calling for their next nerf. Oh wait forgive me…complete removal in this instance. To hell with those other two modes eh?
It is GAME BREAKING for the whole PvP community. So yeah, damn straight.
They made offline raiding easy again. First they nerfed doors. Now it takes 2 bombs to blow a door. So getting through 50 doors now take 25 min-ish.
Atleast we solo pvp players had the thrall defence. Which is now rendered TOTALLY, and i mean TOTALLY useless. So now you can get offline-raided again in 25+25min.
- And this was called out before the patch, if it makes any difference.
What possible use would you have for them in PVE? And the same issues with them in PVP are the same issues with them in PVE-C.
Well, just so FC can hear some other perspective, I personally love the acid arrows and think they should stay. Absolutely not game breaking. In fact, now you can deal with the difficult T4 Fighter thralls wearing godbreaker armor…
It can be easy be in game and still not be so OP, just reduce durability damage from 10 per tick to 0.5 per tick and increase it damage, to make it useble or make it deal damage to structures but not durability of armor\weapon
You’re just saying that because you don’t play with a bow, right?
At the very least if you want to reduce the damage in PvP but not touch the PvE.
In PvE it is also important to have a good weapon for bow.
No remove stop to remove. Stop wanting to delete. It’s not the right solution.
I could agree but the fact in PvE-Conflict they seems to destroy thrall armors (and thralls usually cannot be armed by players nor they ever attack them !) make me think pheraps they need at least a little debugging and more testing
More testing yes but not remove. Every time there is something new, people want to delete it because it breaks their habit. If there wasn’t something new, I’d get bored quickly.
And especially adapted according to whether it is PvE or PvP. Because a change can impact either one.
You’re clearly that troll that wants to go around stripping and killing everyone’s Thralls.
Even if you reduce their effectiveness they are still dirt cheap to make, go through walls, go through sandstorm mask. There is no counter to acid arrows beyond locking up your Thralls behind two foundation thick building. Which means your opponents can literally just walk up to your base with no opposition and take their time finding where they want to blow into the base at. Then once they create a whole simply sit back at range and shoot the arrows inside and watch all the Thralls die.
Literally the only counter might be a god bubble inside it’s anti projectile range. But again you’re talking 500 kills to defend against something that you get 70-100 of just killing a single mob.
Actually i play on PvE not PvP. So before insulting please consider that not everyone does the same thing as you.
You play PVE so your opinion has no merit. The arrows don’t benefit PVE and the only issue with them currently is working on Thralls (a bug) on PVE servers.
As to your insult. If I’m calling for their removal what makes you think I’m one of those trolls? If I was a troll using them I’d be rejoicing and defending them.
If you do not understand how PVE players could benefit from the arrows, at least respect their opinions and let them voice their side of the story. All items, pieces of equipment, NPCs, etc, exist in PVP, PVE and Solo/coop modes. Any change made to an item affects all three game modes, so players of all three game modes need to be heard before making changes.
I understand these arrows are currently a problem for PVP in particular, but let us not dismiss PVE players’ opinions out of hand.
Explosive arrows use to extract star metal. Some people want to delete them too.
Have you tested the acid arrows on the NPC’s?
So if we don’t play in a certain PvP mode our opinion is of little value. How open-minded she is.
The latest news Conan has 3 modes PvP, PvE-C and PvE. Until proven otherwise, all opinions are important.
Arrow which eats armor and can’t be stopped by sand storm mask. All done in a cloud.
So, please enlighten us on how these arrows benefit PVE in any way.
Hey everybody,
Quick update: we’re releasing a hotfix soon with some changes to acid arrows. We’ve reduced their durability damage to 1 per tick (from the current 10). We have also fixed an issue that would cause them to cause damage outside PVP raid time. Their crafting cost will also be increased.
The hotfix will include a few extra fixes to other issues. No ETA yet, but we’re aiming to deploy it soon.
I don’t know. I’ve never tested those arrows myself. I only wanted to point out that you shouldn’t dismiss the opinion of those PVE players who have used those arrows. Comments such as “You play PVE so your opinion has no merit” are not constructive.
Thread title is “Gamebreaking acid arrows”. Not “game breaking explosive arrows”.
I used the example of explosive arrows because it’s similar - people wanted to remove them.