Gamer motivation profile

Hey so I just did this survey thing that tells you what sort of gamer you are.

I thought it was interesting and then was curious about other gamers I know, so I thought people here might want to do it and post their result.

My highest motivations were creativity and mastery, and it said I was an Acrobat/Bard:

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Acrobat, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Bard.

Acrobats are solo gamers who primarily want to take on challenging gameplay and they want to practice over and over again until they can take on the most difficult missions and bosses in the game.

Bards are team players who want to chat and interact with other players in game worlds that are rich with lore, stories, discovery, and customization. For them, the game is a grand story that emerges from a community of players.

It makes a lot of sense for me… I love Conan Exiles. It’s very immersive and has lots of customization options. But I also really like to test my skills against other players, and I’ve faded away from Conan a bit recently as skill is less of a factor in PVP fights than it was (for a bunch of reasons). I’ve decided not to play until 3.0 comes out, and have been really getting into Elden Ring. It ticks the skill box and has almost as much customization. But Conan is still king in that respect.


very interesting thank you
my result

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Interesting… in RTS-es I like to plan my steps from the beginning, I see the battlefields as a chess table.
I hate losing my units, I prefer keeping as many alive as possible (same with a pirate game, I hate loosing crew, followers and damaging my ship). I am the warlord!
But is games such as Conan (or Borderlands) I like adventuring, and if a battle appears, I LOVE jumping into the middle of it, murdering/blowing everybody into microscopic pieces, not caring about my health, focusing on brute force only. :grin:

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This is quite accurate… :face_with_monocle: :+1:

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Architect, with Bard secondary.


I’d add a few % to Action & Immersion though.

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Out of curiosity, I took the survey and it pretty much told me what I told them… idk what else I was expecting really.


Achievement stat is on point though, nearly everything maxed out :stuck_out_tongue:


Not quite accurate - but kinda…


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So far checks out for what I would expect for Conan players - a good mix, but more than one of Gladiator and Bard. My friend who used to run with a PVP alpha clan did this survey and got Gladiator. Another one who was a solo that loved causing chaos got Bounty Hunter/Bard. Bounty Hunter is Destruction and Fantasy (world immersion, not story).

That’s why I was impressed by it. Honestly, the number of times I’ve done a survey and it’s come out with some bonkers answer.

Not to crazy with being labeled as a bard though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Haha yes, bards - the fanciest of adventurers! It’s OK I’m part bard too, I reckon you have to be to some extent if you enjoy this game.

I am firmly in the Acrobat category. My Primary and Secondary both look like the Manta Ray shape in @TeleTesselator’s results. Very interesting, @Firecrow I think I need to work on expanding my habits!


Architect - Skirmisher. It’s all about conan exiles I guess :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure about this “test”

My primary was “Bard” which I can understand somewhat.

But my secondary was “Farmer”?

In the four years farming has been an “option” in this game I only ever tried it once.
I dislike farming games, and I don’t do very much of the grind people call farming?

I wonder if I got the farmer moniker because I prefer reaction more than action?
Because I am seldom the aggressor? idk.

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@droch-aon my son got farmer (gardener?) too, and he also doesn’t farm in game. I think what it means is you play games in a relaxed way, pottering about at your own pace just doing stuff. Not motivated by crushing others, getting trophies or showing off your building and outfit designs. But maybe it didn’t work for you. You’d think I wouldn’t have to interpret their survey for them for it to make sense :smile:

@Barnes so much Acrobat, according to them you should be playing Tetris all day :laughing: I got primarily Acrobat too… but my secondary motivations betray me as a filthy RPer.

Also I dunno how you people are just sharing the diagram. I can’t figure out how to save or copy it away from the whole page.

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Got Bounty Hunter / Gladiator. Some things I could nitpick, but close enough I suppose.

Bounty Hunters are solo, action-oriented explorers who want game worlds that they can make their own through customization and discovery. They also enjoy power progression and unleashing mayhem.

Gladiators are competitive gamers who are more likely to identify as hardcore, and they want games to engage them using a broad spectrum of features. They are looking for an epic, skill-based experience in the games they play.

Yeah, the way I read it it’s just a description for playstyle and not necessarily that you like planting fields or something.

Gardener: The Gardener is looking for quiet, relaxing task completion. They are looking for gameplay where the rules are presented upfront, as directly as possible, and where the gameplay itself is more spontaneous and reactive. When X happens, I need to do Y. There isn’t any stress or anxiety about having to plan things out 10 steps in advance. The Gardener enjoys task completion for its own sake—whether this is completing a level, collecting stars/trophies, or collecting collectibles. Among their popular games list, we see games like Candy Crush and Animal Crossing.

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