Gigant snake pet

Funcom say in game shop will be only cosmetic,no pay to win.Now we get gigant alpha snake .And that not skin-real very strong pet

That it is. But so far spears, great swords, and adult dragons are known weaknesses. On PVE or PVE-C Servers, locking onto the snakes hit box, and having a thrall with a spear or great sword may be a good strategy.

If you have the battle pass check it. But the bazaar has become all P2W. If you can count on some item or items in every new age of the bazaar to be OP, it’s not accidental.

Does it replace a beserker with momentum? Then it’s not something that puts an unfair advantage onto you.

It provides a different pet option to you. No different than an armor set with different bonuses. Yes its better than the cobra base model. And?

Is anyone wiping servers with them? Is anyone getting a much easier time with the giant snake vs a t4 thrall? So if you answer no to all of these, what specifically are you complaining about? That the customers that are subsidizing your game play with purchasing in the game get more options? Yeah too bad, so sad. Deal.


Its OP compare with any other pet.Big damage+poison,hight hp and armor.I dont play on pvp but as i see in game is difficult for npc to hit snake.


Andy from community said that they are going to discuss this topic, since more people were complaining about those snake pets and calling that “p2w”.

In my opinion, pets are mostly a stuff of early, max mid game. Any free T4 fighter in decent gear and with good weapon would end them in no time, not to mention players. I don’t mind this to be in game - if I would buy chapter 2. BP, it would be only because of this, and those snakes would serve only aesthetic purpose to me.

It’s not about “p2w”. It’s about Funcom introducing a new type of pet with no vanilla equivalent.
The moment Chapter 2 ends there will be no players with access to new pet types.
Despite all the “p2w” cries in the past every “p2w” item had an equivalent in base game. So BP/Bazaar stuff remained in the skins-only area.
Giant Snakes introduces a new level of monetization I fear may be pushed into the norm.
BP/Bazaar locked religions and avatars, weapon types, dungeons etc.


This “early-middle game” kill arena champion without any problem and not loosing many hp.Idk how will be in pvp but its really top follower

I honestly don’t see how the giant snake alpha is in any way meaningful… Who cares if its better than the other pets if all pets suck.


This has already been going on for years!

AoS Chpt 1 BP, Theurgical Aegis armor AKA reward #1. What is the base game equivalent for 3 buffs?

DLC Blood and Sand that introduced 2 buffs in the armors.

DLC Treasures of Turan gives us a caravan rhino that has 20 extra storage slots than the base game rhino pet.

How do you define “base game equivalent”?

Like I said before. Is this snake more powerful than a berserker (that I can knock out at level 10 at a 100% spawn point within a hour) That giant snake alpha needs @ level 13 that takes me approximately collecting 5 eggs, waiting an hour to hatch in a compost box/level 18 or over a day without it, and then tame the stupid things to get a chance of getting a cobra alpha which is why I needed 5 eggs. 20% chance statistically .

To top all of this off, these creatures are noisy AF and anyone with sound will hear the stupid thing render in when they get within a grid square of it.

Oh I see what you did there…such a clever ad hom. :roll_eyes: Its the go-to for those that can’t articulate their points.

more: The game literally started with walled off content with the royal armor and Atlantean sword and have continued throughout DLC’s and previous ages. Right now I’m defending my entertainment because I love the stupid things, as much as my red scorpions and Demonologist AoC armor. I would have liked the idea of cobra and use the giant snake alpha combo for the base game but that didn’t happen but I support the game with my purchases and yes that means I get content that you don’t if you don’t pay for it. So sorry. Pony up $10 and you get it.

Hell you only needed to pony up $10 at AoS chpt 1 if you didn’t do anything else with your Crom coin. The battle pass system gets better value each chapter and right now we are sitting at $0.04/ item (50 items/BP with 5 battle passes with the one time cost of $10; $10/250=$0.04). Some freaking pay wall there.

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Theurgical was brought many times in the past and it still remains a problem, just like AoW chapter 1 BP and Bazaar armors. Despite all that players have access to light, medium and heavy armors with various stats. They didn’t add a new armor type and locked it behind BP/Bazaar.
Same goes for Blood and Sand.
Same goes for Turan dlc and rhinos. Players have access to other variants not locked behind paywall.
As I said it’s not about “p2w”. It’s about availability of content to the players. Giant Snake pet type doesn’t have any equivalent in the base game. Even “better” it’s locked behind FOMO paywall so after certain period of time players won’t even be able to p2w to gain access to new pet type.
BP and Bazaar items should remain skins and alternatives to what game offers.
And don’t worry just like many others I purchased the first BP and just ride the “free BP” wave. So I have all those juicy items. Same with DLCs I have all of them and imagine! I even have pre-order items from EA. So it’s not about me not being able to buy something.

BS! There is no rhino in game that has 30 slots. There are other greater pets that are just as effective as the giant snake. Greater scorpions, reaper queens, greater rocknoses…this all are pretty decent pets that are equivalent in my opinion. Doesn’t matter much as any berserker or, now, cannibal brute can take these all down no issues. All of these mean equivalency that is so loosely defined in your defense of the DLC’s apply here. There are equivalent pets and thralls to use instead, so why are you complaining?

You don’t have a giant snake. So what? You don’t have pyramid pieces either or Aesir fortifications or bookcases that are actually doors or etc etc etc. Since when has the game’s entertainment been about everyone having access to the same stuff? When I started in 2019, I was base game only until I realized there were things I really wanted. I wanted arena buildings. I wanted treehouse foundations. I wanted vaulted ceilings. I wanted a new map. All of these could be considered the dreaded word “paywall”. The pre-order bonuses were all FOMO. So why is this a shock to you now? FC has been doing this since prior to launch. You have been an active fan of a game that literally was birthed in FOMO and grew with paywalls throughout it’s history.

Apples and pomegranates.

If you restrict your comparisons to logical equivalences you see there isn’t one. That is why you have to go out side of pets/skins to find some thing to compare.

If you want a comparison try taking a T1 exile fighter and if you buy this skin in the bazaar that puts a big red S on it’s chest it is now comparable to a 20th level T4 berserk, plus 2k hp and poison. Would you consider that red S skin P2W?

Or lets say you can buy a skin for an iron sword that makes it look like the Conan movie sword plus adds 200PD, 40% armor penetration, and poison. Would you consider that P2W?

Just how is this snake skin different?

You don’t get it!
Erjoh is absolutely right! There’s no issues with current model and items both in BP and Bazaar.
Funcom must make money and we all should just accept blatant manipulation and deeping into p2w from funcom.After all, we play this game for a long time so we should just get on our knees and perk our ass up for Funcom to diddle us till we see zeroes in our wallet.
Just look at erjoh, he even placed some pillows under his knees because he knew it would be a wild ride.
His blatant hate towards anyone who even mentions the cursed word PVP is outshined only by his love towards FOMO snake.

That’s all I heard…and then some weird fantasies that are a bit too uncomfortable. Just let me know if you want me to play the white knight or satan. You seem to flip flop your generalizations of me and continue to make it personal.

This reminds me of the 200 slot Arcane Curio Cabinet from Age of Sorcery Chapter 1.

It seems like a monetization trend. Make something exceptionally good that’s only accessible from the Battle Pass, locking it away from players that don’t have the time nor money to complete it. It’s the fear of missing out taken to the next level; it sucks.

Why couldn’t Funcom just rebalance all the pets like they planned eons ago? No, they put a new top tier pet on the Battle Pass, which I personally don’t want nerfed and made it controversially P2W. I can’t blame other people for wanting it nerfed.

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Oh, spears.
What abour Chieftain and Blood spears compared to others?

I think we arleady established it.You’re totally right.
Your logic is immaculate and your personal entertainment has more value than anyone’s else.
Everyone who say anything against your stone hard logic is either a some poor sob from 3rd world country or a biomass with room-temperature IQ.
“There’s nothing wrong with the current system so just pay up.”