Hello, there is 1 place on the map where a new dungeon would fit, where it would be possible to unlock 1 of the armor from the sipth map and add new bows and a katana as an additional weapon to this dungeon and I would increase the size of the map and this part is blocked with a barrier
Dungeons are not located at the place of their entrance. You are teleported to a different place, usually outside the green wall borders. What seems empty map, is where dungeons are located. There’s much less room available than most people think by looking at the map. There’s still some room, though.
The port to Siptah is still under construction .
Wasn’t Aerosmith who sing “dream on” .
I love this song, i am heading to @CodeMage topic…
If you go far outside the green wall, to the distant Northeast, there are several dungeons floating in the sky.
Furthermore, you may be surprised at where Kurak’s dungeon is stored.
That said, there are several places which would be excellent spots to put a dungeon entrance, and there is a particularly annoying bite of the map that would be nice to add as traversable, a weird cut between the jungle and highlands.
As for Bows and Katanas…
This one still feels that Dragonbone, Serpent-man, Black Ice, and Obsidian weapon sets could definitely use a few more items added.
For items from Siptah, or Arakis, or anywhere else really, the Disjunction is an already existent location on the map where psycho-reactive protoplasm can hypothetically make anything up to even a fake god.
Putting a horrific chaotic realm entrance deep in the Temple of Frost would be a lore friendly way of introducing items (or even people) from other places.
Have you been on the other side on this location? It needs a lot of work!
Not as much work as some areas near the Mounds of the dead where one can accidentally climb right under the mesh.
That area is as finished as certain regions within bounds.
I know the map outside the wall pretty well, @LostBrythunian . Yes, compared to others, the area is not do bad, but it has gaps when you approach the ice where you can also fall. Green hills becone icy montains and then you’ll have the volcano very steep landscape to the south west. If you go north, dungeon inside a black box and desert. Northwest, a bubble where you can see the eclipse, etc.
Near the mounds, close to the location of JS dungeon (outside it’s all a mess) you have a small plateau where you can place a transp. stone and build the same lighting of JS dungeon.
Let me see if I have a snapshot of my last hut there…
Look at the lighting
Our friend JS with his wings spread in the background.

No! We like our Siptah items to remain on Siptah!
I’ll trade you some cool weapons and armor for some content.
They should build a port that when interacted with in single player executes “character copy” function, it’d do the same thing but be infinitely more immersive.
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