Half corrupted sorcerer dont have the same stamina regeneration rate than a non corrupted player

take a non corrupted character level 60, exhaust your stamina with heavy attack, observe your regeneration stamina rate.

then corrupt yourself 50%, exhaust your stamina then observe your regeneration stamina rate that is no more the same.

in fact stamina regeneration speed seem to be linked to total amout of points, if you have half grit, regeneration speed seem to be divided by two, which mean if you are 120 grit you recover 60 grit x2 quicker than if you have a total pool of 60 grit, where it take more time to recover the 60 grit.

sorcerers are already penalized by loss of half their grit and life. its game breaking if in addition they are penalized on stamina regenation too, especially for rhe pvp raiding system for a sorcerer.

it also affect deeply ability for a sorcerer to fight for pve


Not sure if it is a bug or feature yet. Linked inside this topic is another topic showing all the numbers and factors that are affecting stamina regen delay on being exhausted.

yes i was asking myself if intentional or not, but well try to fight with a sorcerer, totally impossible due to lack of stamina regen and pool point, and its coming of stamina regen speed rate that is not the same to recover 60 grit, but use of weapon stamina is the same…so… thanks for the link.

I join you - the speed of stamina recovery for sorcerers is much lower than the speed of a normal player. For a sorcerer with 50% stamina, this is very critical


yes exploring more, regen stamina speed is linked to weight armor AND scaled on total stamina point of characters.

apparently they have not took in account sorcerer case that are half corrupted, and with new weapon stamina use are no more viable for any fight, even not for pve.

best case to work with sorcerer is now armor full stamina, than buffs elixir and food stamina, and then it will START be playable, but still heavily penalized, because you will have half life, half grit, but in addition still a lower stamina regeneration than a non corrupter player.

i don’t know funcom, at least may be create corrupted perk for grit to have sorcerer to be viable in your new system (well i have not checked if corrupted perk for grit to counter this problem exist in aow, but will do tommorow)


I suppose it kind of makes sense. I mean the character is so infected with corruption that they literally have half the stamina of a regular person it makes sense that it would take them longer to regain it. It does make being a fighter and a sorcerer more difficult but I think that was where they were going with it. After the AoS meta was 100% corrupted sorcs I think this run they want it to be more of a decision the player needs to make. I am kind of looking forward to seeing what the new meta is as players try out new variations maybe mixing their stats around and looking at new armor solutions instead of oh look another set of Godbreaker… Will be interesting.

Nobody would do that trade. It simply doesn’t pay off. It’s a death sentence. The power you gain isn’t enough. Realistically, you trade your survivability for a few cool gimmicks. Who would do that?


That’s suppose to be the intent, however they stated that stamina is instant regen and so it should affect any build, not just max grit builds, leading me to believe this was unintentional. Especially since they tweaked combat to accommodate this change. It would put anyone not at full grit at a huge disadvantage.


i share the same commun sense than you, because if intentional, well…

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I’m obviously very late to this topic but it relates to my post here:

I’m curious to know if this Regen rate is still the case in the current version of the game, because in all if my time playing a Corrupted Build I have never clearly seen a difference in Stamina Regen time. I absolutely could have been ignorant to it, though. There have been times when I thought my Stamina was slower in that way but I chalked it up to some firm of lag/desync, etc.

Another thought on this is that since rolls are done at a cost of 20% of your max stamina, if regeneration was the same for all builds no matter their difference in max stamina, somebody with less stamina would be at an advantage and able to roll far more often than somebody who has allocated their Attribute points into Grit or gear/buffs into stamina. In this sense, stamina regenerating at a % per tick actually does make sense despite me not loving that as a Corruption build.