Just wondering what kind of stats they wind up with. I used to like using them sometimes to help chase people down in pvp, kind of hoping they’re half decent now when maxed lvled. Naturally I’d keep it the hell away from enemies thralls.
I honestly don’t remember, I started leveling him then we had a brief bout of high ping, and I had a few days of illness.
He was already at level 10 when I saw this thread.
I leveled a regular sabercat that had much better stats, But I lost him to a boss when I made a misstep and got killed, then was unable to break it’s agro off the boss.
this is the first greater sabercat I’ve ever tried.
Greater panthers have good strength but poor health (they start with a 10 in st). Ive been thinking about going for a greater sabretooth but keep getting distracted…
All cats have the same stats, 10 str, 34 dmg, but sabertooth have more armor at lvl 0 than the rest, I think is around 120 and the rest is around 90. Their percentages are always the same, they just change the stat, I have the exact same % numbers as @droch-aon, but I have 64% in str (+14% from blood sausage), and 40% in survival, those are the numbers I use to train, If they have the survival higher, I just dismiss them.
I had a few minutes this morning.
so I spawned in all the greater cats, on my test server.
Lion does indeed have less base strength, most were 3-5 range, however the Lion also seems to be the overall winner in base armour, with nearly double any other cat, only the sabertooth comes close in armour, but the lion still has a bit more.
So I guess, if you want a cat that can tank, Lion is your best bet.
Sabertooth wins as an overall killing machine, with best damage armour combination.
Tiger rivals Sabertooth in damage but seems to have less base armour.
We have both a lion and saber at our front door. The lion is not as quick as the saber, and the saber took down a corrupted croc with 4 hits (he is lvl 12 now). The lion stood there.