Hate list is not fixed in this patch 2 - Set City and Wine Cellar

The bearer thrall in Set City is instant hostile and will aggro as soon as enter door to city while the thrall at the Alchemist pot does not aggro at all no matter how close I get to him.

The Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers in the Wine Cellar Kill Szeth the Drunk,I found this one killing him as I came in the dungeon. this is the second time I have found him dead, first time his body was in where the RHTS spawn in inner room.

Szeth got probably too drunk and picked a fight with his buddies.
But look at the bright side: you don’t have to damage your weapons and armor pieces to get his truncheon! :smile:

lol that be nice if true but guess what he only drops that thing 1 out of like 20 times and I prefer to be honest it to be fixed.

Hey @heaventhere

Thanks for the heads-up, it’s been forwarded to our team so they can keep working on ironing out remaining issues with world NPCs.

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