It sounds like if you grab treasure you can be ambushed by wandering bands of Stygians, so that’s happening, I think pushed back to Chapter 3 though.
I agree, the game has become much easier in almost all cases. However, NPCs do hit harder than before, and this is especially true in purges like the Cimmerian Berserkers. I love the old purge and had no issues with it (besides during the lost connection phase). I still get the purge every week or two, and will have my final one of the age this weekend. I wish they could keep aspects of both somehow, but if the new purge is finally fixed to include T4 named thralls, that will at least be something. The mechanic itself, if it works properly, looks fun (to me at least). I like the idea of being able to control when I get the purge, it is very difficult being a solo player on officials to get the purge, especially working 7-3 Mon-Fri, Conan is like a second job!
I enjoy going out into the world without a thrall sometimes, it makes things more fun. You can make this game a lot harder or easier by the way you play it, but yes, most enemies have had HP nerfed hard and most animals have had damage nerfed massively. I do wish the changes to animals were reversed, I’ve long said that I miss the old Corrupted Wolf, it made certain areas of the map scary for many people.
I do think you misunderstood the first paragraph of my post though, unless your comment “the game is still too hard for someone? Wow…” is in reference to something else. The OP was talking about the game being too easy on PVP because it sounded like new players can gear up too fast. I said that should make PVP more difficult for him, not easier, since these new clans can gear up faster and get back on their feet faster. That was my only comment on the subject.
All of that being said, I’m still excited for the new chapter. I’ve been watching all of Wak’s videos, and it looks pretty good in my opinion. I like the events, I like the changes to the dungeons and some of the new building sets and bazaar items look interesting also!
I do agree with all your post, literally all of it. And the corrupted wolf is nerfed like all the other one skull bosses. Especially for the corrupted wolf power i can confirm over 10 different topics through the years complaining how op it was.
I do miss the old days too and i already have a melancholy for the purge system that’s ending.
But for us, the old players the game is saturated! We don’t really have an interest in this game, we need new things too.
The plurality of the players, the old ones, especially on official pve just refresh!
So for me every change is welcome. I don’t care if it’s better or worst, I will adapt like @LostBrythunian said very correctly once.
This age is yet to come, what we are going to see again is not complete, either ready. The treasure coffin came with bugs and if i am not mistaken the new purge system will come the same way . I really wish the next age will be the “age of perfection” . Bring nothing new, just fix what we have already, please!
About pvp again, we all wear blinders. Old pvp players could rule the game for fun. Skilled new players couldn’t win unless they stick for hundreds of hours in pve to learn the game. We keep forgetting that’s a small map game with huge content and enormous secrets.
Again skilled players couldn’t play from the server performance.
And skilled new players couldn’t win because old ones were using exploits and “unfair” weapons on fights.
I count decades of complains from players that got banned and all they care is that they lost old weapons with super powers (lying bastard over 140 dmg and old yogs touch )
It’s just roving bands, is on test, works well. They can be anything from exiles to relic hunters.
Note it is quite possible if they attack from behind you’ll get stun locked and possibly go down with out getting in your first attack.
Seems the few times I go down it’s because I was swarm stun locked and couldn’t get off an attack.
But the raiders in the new system are AI so they get confused easy,follow a set path like ants, need a gate to attack, and I have no idea what stops the raiders because it isn’t getting the treasure and destroying the treasury.
Sorry, so far this new raider thing been your typical bit of funcom buggyness for me.
And there in-lies the problem. Instead of people focusing on fact based evidence driven arguments they resort to pleading to emotional responses driven by, what is essentially shouting at the top of a mountain. Which do you think will actually hold more weight when one decides to look at said feedback and judge which is “valid” and which is “not valid”? The simple truth is, most people are going to view emotional responses as simply that and not as valid arguments. Providing fact based evidence on the other hand is vastly harder for companies to actually brush aside (even when those facts exist and have cause those emotional responses).
In all honesty, if they were to make any pre-3.0 servers for the game I would likely say they would NOT receive any updates at all or they would no longer BE pre-3.0 versions of the game. So you would have to chose, play the new content, or play an old version of the game and miss out and all of the new stuff. I am sure there are those who would pick one, and other who would pick the other. There would even be some who would have a character one each of the two server types to have the “best of both worlds” so to speak. But I seriously doubt that Funcom would ever actually do this anyway.
This one must have been far into their cups.
Bah, everything must stay the same forever!
A jest, of course.
Even if this one chafes at some of the updates, even disagrees with them in intent or execution, they are attempts at progress. This one will moan and groan, but also keep the old soggy bacon (the chemical composition of human brains is very similar to certain sugar cured pork products) active learning it.
After all, where is the joy in survival if there is no adversity to overcome?
Approximately only 10% of players ever make it to the game forum. The majority of them go there to complain about something. What developer would listen to the biggest complainers in game?
The forum is very one sided. None of us actually know what the over all opinion of Conan players is.
To this i disagree, we in minority do represent the voice of many.
But certainly we have so many sides in here and hopefully at the same time, that we cannot be considered as one sided.
It’s because of the nature of the game. This game is extremely flexible, it’s able to give joy to decades of play styles and some players create even more.
Not to mention how much the borders or possibilities are
expanded with mods.
But yes none of us do, you’re correct here m8
But we are. We are all vets here and not many actually represent the new players. Most of the things we are in agreement with, how many new players care about that topic or point?
Veterans have larger view of the game and more valid opinions about game issues. Have you seen kindergarten kids in parliament?
We are different in here @erjoh, all of us. We all share and enjoy mutual but different ways to enjoy this game. We all represent different play styles and you can see this in the conversations, especially the fiery ones, because nobody in here tries to fit his feet in the others shoes.
To what we must agree eventually, all of us, is no matter the language we are all lovers of this game.
I don’t think @Koschgine started this thread because he is happy with the situation he sees in game, neither because he wants to hurt the game or the community. He is a veteran player, he has some opinions which in plurality are valid and he shares his point of view.
If we cannot understand it’s our inability. If we don’t agree it’s our right.
This is feedback however and it can be given, to this level, only from veterans!
I did not play Conan from the beginning, I play it for only 3 years now.
I fell in love with this game from the first minutes spent over the noob river
But every single update ever since removes fun from this game (IMO)
PvE gets easier and easier to the point it now looks boring and broken, NPCs can’t see you, or they charge towards you but return to the spawn point just few steps away from you (?).
This looks like some alpha/beta stage AI not a finished game. I can’t even remind myself of another game where AI behaves in such broken way.
I registered on this forum to protest, like most of us as far as I can see.
But I am puzzled too. Here on the forum everyone complains. On Facebook everyone complains. On Discord servers everyone complains. So where is that community which asks for these changes?
I don’t count youtubers who are paid with in-game currency, they are going to praise every change for known reasons - it’s same story with accredited youtubers in every single game.
More content - YES, ruining in-game balance with snap decisions, changing things that actually worked - NO.
For me Conan was perfect in 2.0 it just needed bugfixes to address falling roofs, stupid AI that could not follow you in the dungeons and such things + much more content and things to do.
I keep visiting this forum because I actually believe that something may change and bad decisions are going to be reversed. But when I come to a conclusion that I’m wasting my time, I won’t bother with coming here to complain and I won’t bother with this game anymore.
Sure, most of the users on the forum are veteran players. And how many threads on this forum do you see devolving into utter tribalism and constant bickering because even the veterans are NOT one sided as @stelagel pointed out. Some view PvP official servers as being a waste of resources which should be shut down (yes, I have literally seen people call for this), while others view anything other than PvP official servers as garbage that should not be allowed to speak (again, I have literally seen this plenty of times as well). The list goes on over any number of subjects but you get the point. Veteran players are FAR from a united or unified voice.
As for your question of “how many new players care about that topic or point”. Well, why are you not inviting these new players to come here and post their opinions on those topics or points, or to bring up the topics or points which do matter to them? Opposed to just making opaque references to some amorphous concept without substance which new players may or may not be interested in (which no one can know for sure because there is no actual substance to gleam nor new players to even verify such claims regardless), why not encourage them to come here and join the community and share their opinions and views?
In all honesty, both new players and veterans could probably learn from one another. But one could never know if one of the two never materializes.
New player or veteran, PvP player or builder, they all are going to agree that enemy NPCs turning around halfway and returning to their default spot when aggroed looks and feels like absolute dog shit
When I saw it after the update I was certain that it’s going to be fixed in 24 hours with a hotfix… But here we are months later…
It’s convenient for breaking aggro…. But absolutely annoying when you’re trying to pull mobs away from targets or bosses. Have you tried fighting the Unnamed City boss with all the skeletons around him? Normally I’d fire an arrow and pull the skeletons first. They run towards me, then turn around and go back. Frustrating as hell.
That’s for one reason only. Official servers do not perform as single player does. Unfortunately a minor lag will create huge confusion to the system and you see many funny reactions playing on line. Especially the skeleton agro is still massive and they do follow you long. But if you get huge distance from the field you supposed to fight them then they will return to their original position gaining back hp that they might have lost in battle.
Fortunately bosses are reacting better on this part, they don’t follow a lot and this is a good thing. They cannot be kitted anymore from trolls that wanted to hurt others.
These however are minor problems in front of the invisibility of mobs. They have done an excellent job on the performance of single player but, they lack of perfection.
1st invisible mobs.
2nd funny reaction on stats
3rd the game seems to be unable to save properly the progression of people and especially on Siptah this can become really annoying.
So let’s go back to the new player feedback…
What would everyone could expect a feedback should be like with these huge issues.
I read the Playstation section daily and new players speak about these problems daily.
How do we expect new players to love this game in this shape?
A new player cannot know how the game started and how it proceed through years, so speaking about difficulty and stamina to them it’s an empty conversation. But these problems above can be a really good reason to say… This game is trash… And walk away.
Some things need to be fixed yesterday. This topic has not concerns for new players, these are concerns about players that follow this game wholeheartedly all these years.