Dear conan,
i like your game, i play it a lot and i am still enjoying it.
but ever sinds the the “official server building restrictions” came to play i have heard a lot of players being banned or scared of being banned. and though most of the rules make sens… there are a couple of core mechanics in the game that forces the players to do the opposite of what you want.
i cant help to notice that there are some bad examples of how not to build your base… because yeah building a giant wall to block off lage parts of the map is bad… there are shown a couple of build ( with multiple buildings) as also being bad… this to me feels wrong to show because the game kinda dictates that you need to build a large base… a couple of examples are: T3 work stations alone take at least 3 to 4 foundations for each station, animal pens take about a 8 x 10 size (the small animal pens are oké), temple can’t be build close to each other (i made a separate post about that) and last but not least the new purge system… if you want to defend your base you need to build a wall with a singe entrance… this feature only made existence of wall bases worse. if Funcom wants to reduce the size of player bases there need to be looked at the core mechanics of the game.
now that i covered building size there are two more things that are not helping the stability of the servers and both of them are also happening because of the core mechanics that are in the game.
foundation spamming
Yes nobody likes the spamming of foundations all over the place or a large wall all around a base, because it takes a lot of processing for the server to load foundations in (that is why i always build my bases with as much ceilings and pillars and walls as possible). but i do get why players are doing it… its the cheapest en fastest way to build something… and that is the problem… there should not be rules of a maximum on building pieces but there should be a natural guidance towards using ceilings, pillars and walls more… the easiest way i think to do that is to rebalance the cost of the building parts and mainly to make foundations more expensive to build than a ceiling and pillar combined.
the last item i want to touch on is:
Use of decor items
now that we have a bazar in game the amount of decor items has grown a lot… although i like the idee of the bazar (it has some great stuff, although some what over priced most of the time), the amount of decor people now use has increased a lot.
and I’m not here saying to stop putting decor items on the market… because i do like it… but perhaps instead of making lots of single items, make some larger and more complete item. for example the large feast we had in the beginning of the bazar launce… great decor stuff but it where all loose items… why not add a item that had them all combined on that large table just to make it one asset. yeah put the items loose as well but give player the option to just use the combined one as well… and i think half of the players who bought that pack just used the table as is. same for the bushes and trees (by the way, yeah we wand larger trees that look like the trees on the map already) in stead of only giving players loose items to place why not give them a larger decor item that had everything on it.
these are just a couple of examples but you get the idea… think before you add some new decor… how is the player going to use this and is there a way you could limed the use of it (in stead of 10 loose items perhaps one big item), and yeah you could give the small items separate in the pack as well but i think less players are going to use that if the have a option to just place and forget (and will look way cooler that if you had to place it your self with the restrictions in game).
These couple of point are what i think funcom need to watch out for, because they create most of the problems out there them self’s… and instead of making rules hoping players will follow them… and making a lot of players angry… there is a other way, a more natural way of steering players in the right direction.