Heart of a hero found

In a coastal Lemurian NPC camp not far west of the Wreck of the Sea Dog in a box/chest. Haven’t been back so I don’t know how rare though.

I’ve found one as well, maybe in some chest in broken Leyshrine. It has decay timer now so not much of use here.

I’d never found one anywhere previously, I guess it was added to RNG recently. So seems like it could spawn anywhere. I think the timer is long enough to get it back to a fridge though. I vaguely remember it had at least more than 30 minutes on it when I took it off ice. The wiki states 40.

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Gotten it twice in the western coastal camp, good if you get the bindings of the dead recipe which I was lucky to get.

Yes me too, they’re in my screenshot. Nice durability.

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