My question is regarding changing a mob spawn point. I just started playing this week and built my first house too close to where an crocodile spawns.
Is there a what to prevent this crocodile from spawning? He keeps killing my Thralls and on occasion, me.
I am playing Single/Player Co-Op and am not running my own server. I have not installed any mods yet.
Thank you
Yes you can simply build on top of where the crocodile spawns. That is the only permanent solution.
Thank you for the quick response!
May 8, 2021, 12:55pm
Extend your house right on top of his spot! Mate you know you’ve always wanted that front patio…time to build it!
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Don’t forget to add a ‘Get off my lawn’ sign
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May 13, 2021, 6:17am
Or you may build some small towers, put Archers on them and have fresh crocsteak now and then
You could also use the croc to power level your thralls once you’re adequately geared. I have a wild fully grown dragon that occasionally pops over to visit my base, I just treat him like a free range pet.
May 20, 2021, 7:38am
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