Here me out! But DLC idea

Please do not come at me like dogs, this is merely an idea.

Angels and Demons DLC?? Angelic and Demonic armor, weapons, and building sets for each side.

Could call it “Wars of Eternity DLC”


Interesting idea, but wouldn’t really fit the Conan universe, I think. REH’s world has, as far as I know, no Christian or Jewish religion, and thus, no angels.

There are things that the inhabitants perceive as and call “demons”. But… what they actually are seems a bit questionable. They might be much less supernatural or otherwordly than Conan, for example, thinks.
What he calls a dragon, for example, seems to be some dinosaur or similar creature, not a magical, intelligent creature as Tolkien’s Smaug, for example.
That is translated in the game quite well, I think - okay, the dragons breath fire. But other things like the imp “demons” are actually transformed humans as one may find out in the game, not extraplanar monsters. And the “dragons” also seem to be creations of the Giant Kings, not neccessarily supernatural creatures.
It seems pretty certain, though, they are not “devil(s)” as in Christian mythology - not sure about old testament / Jewish parallel.

Still, a DLC based on religious or demonic themes might work. One might introduce armor styled to fit Hyborean religions, maybe a “knight of Mitra” or “Assassin of Set” set. Not throroughly convinced of the idea though.

But a DLC based on REH style demons… that might be something to consider. Summoning or controlling demons would fit the world, and having a Thag style follower… why not? I’d make them temporary or restricted to base defense, though.


While this one may not agree on the specifics (denizens of popular Christian eschatology have no real place in the Hyborian age)…
There is potential behind the idea.

An Outer Dark DLC could be fun. Especially if it came with special recipes for Set and Yog religions, given the origins of those two “gods”.

The priestly aspects of this game (other than avatars and bubbles) have long sat dormant and uninspiring. Anything to fluff up Mitra’s faith may come close to tickling the fancy of someone who doesn’t want their angels to be concentric wheels composed of eyes.

This one knows they have seen several mods in use that already tickle the pop culture versions of Angelic and Fiendish entities. Hopefully they can be of use to you if they can be found.


Yeah, pretty much what @Khaletohep and @LostBrythunian already pointed out. They Hyborian Age predates the concept of “Angels” by thousands of years. The entities that could be considered “demons” are more eldritch horrors and cosmic entities. Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft were very good friends and their words were intertwined in a sense. So, I would have to say that no, your concept really does not have any place without the Hyborian Age.

However, if you are on PC as @LostBrythunian has pointed out there are already mods out there that do add exactly what you are talking about. Not so much in the way of build sets I don’t believe but things like wings and horns / haloes. So if you are on PC you can find a server that uses those mods and play there.


This is a very tricky topic to discuss. The easy answer is to say this wouldn’t fit in the universe.

The hard answer is to say we already have it, and then the hard part is having to explain why. So officially I am going to say its the former. I am going to refrain from explaining the latter, these forums are not the platform for it.


There’s some merit here so I’m gonna try to avoid shutting it down.

Main thing that’s been brought up so far is consistency with the lore. In the REH universe of the Hyborian age, it’s based more on ancient pre-Abrahamic cultures. So coming at this from a more modern viewpoint is flawed.

But if we take a step to think about what exactly angels and demons represent, we can still pull something out of this.

“Demons” already exist within the scope of the lore, but they’re not quite the red horned devils of modern interpretation. It’s moreso a blanket descriptor for anything inhuman, supernatural or alien. A lot of this side of the mythos comes from Lovecraft, so following that demons would most likely be staples of the cthulhu mythos, such as shoggoths or elder things.

I would argue we actually already have this covered partially in the Isle of Siptah, as many of the elder races would be considered to be either demons themselves, or at the very least demon worshippers. The Voidforge arsenal also is part of this side, being weapons made by ancient empires from time and worlds beyond men.

As for angels, we sorta have that too. Mitraen would be the most comparable to Christianity, as it is based on Mithras, which has been attributed to providing many thematic aspects to early Christianity. (I am not qualified to go into enough detail nor is this the place, but if you are curious by all means look into it yourselves)

Anyways, back on track; the more “angelic” parts to the world we see would be divine favor, such as the avatars already in-game, or the idea of individuals chosen by gods to be their champions. Conan has filled this role for Mitra in the past; being awarded fame, glory, and eventually the throne of Aquilonia.

This would likely be better off done as a religion rework to the main game, with a themed aesthetic DLC releasing along side it as a companion like Riders was to mounts.


This is actually the only answer.

There are a ton of mods to “not fit the conan universe” all people want, so it would be there to make things like these.

Conan himself ingame gives you that straight:
“These are not Gods, they are what people want Gods to be”.


Black Colossus
The Phoenix on the Sword

The agenda, nature and even existence of gods in the Hyborean age is debatable. Even if people think they hear Mitra’s voice or appeal to Set, that may be delusional thinking.

Mitra is seen as benevolent. But who knows what is true agenda is. However, I don’t remember any hints at that. His priests seem to be on the intolerant side of things, but well, that’d be pretty much “right” if he is as benevolent as they claim.

@drachenfeles what hints have you found about a hidden nature?

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Oh no please!
Just lore-friendly DLC, thanks…

  • Black Colossus - Conan saves the kingdom of Khoraja and kills Thugra Khotan by speaking to Yasmela in his temple. To pretty much anyone who isn’t thugra khotan, that would be seen as benevolence.

  • Phoenix on the Sword - Mitra sends dreams of his prophet to Conan, enchanting his sword and warning him of danger.

Both of these actions are pretty difficult to take as having a hidden purpose behind it. Sure, he could save Khoraja as a way to convert more to his faith, but ultimately he was called upon in a time of need and delivered.

In Phoenix on the Sword he has nothing to gain. Conan is a barbarian, worshipping another god. He sits in the Aquilonian throne soaked in blood. He saves him because he can, not asking for anything in return.

My typical idiocy read the topic as “Butt DLC idea”.


But what about hellhounds isn’t that the purpose……. Cursing cat lovers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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