I’m feelin ya but the only time it really matters is if it changes how enemy players can or cannot interact with you, such as poison gas immunity. Nobody cares if you’ve got a light/medium/heavy helm. It’s not substantial when compared to the rest of the gear and there’s too many factors to even consider when you don’t know what attributes they’ve invested in.
The latter alone makes any speculation inconclusive.
Simply put If i’m wearing a gas mask, someone needs to know that but if it’s just a regular helm then they don’t even need to think twice about it and that’s why I made the comment on important helms not being hidden.
I still firmly support the incarnation of the hide helms setting that I previously mentioned but I do feel that should be an additional option; someone might want to go about it that way and that’s quite alright.
In retrospect, I’d like to add that bearer packs would also be unhideable headwear. For increased encumbrance they’re meant to make you a big target with the side effect of obscuring your vision.
I think if anything that stands a better chance of coming with the ‘Debaucheries of Derketo’ pack than the ‘Blood and Sand’ pack. That said, I wouldnt mind some more sleaze and brutality in equal measure.
Not saying I don’t get it, but something about saying a pack is exciting because it adds more nudity in armor and BDSM furniture…eh. That’s the realm of odd Japanese games.
‘Going back to Conan finally, new DLC and all.’ ‘Oh cool, what brings you back?’ ‘Boobies and hair while wearing armour. And I can reenact my fav Pornhub vid with some buggy NPCs.’