Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [Bug | Misc]
Server type: [ PvP ]
Region: [South America]
Sometimes when u come down from your horse and tries to farm
or fight, your horse COMES TO YOUR NECK, he wants to HUG YOU FROM BEHIND, thats not good…
Obviously, for who is really playing the game will agree that this
TRAPS YOU ALL THE TIME, Under the horse, or on your back, anyway TRAPS you when u try to dodge from attacks, sometimes doesnt even let you farm
I Suggest to Rise to like 3 METERS ALWAY the distance your HORSE KEEPS FROM YOU,
BUT… Obviously also he cant run from you when u tries to mount, at same time (yes, i know you can do this…)
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Dismount ur horse;
- Run, wait for him to come, most of the time he GLUES on you
- Thats bad for many situations i spoke , and more that i cant even remember…