Horse is way too close

I like that i can have a horse and a follower. but if i ride a horse and want to harvest any resource it is all over me… Often i am inside the horse. To chop a tree i have to keep dodging around the horse. To harvest anything i hit the item and the horse… blood and stone, blood and iron, blood and wood. So horse is now pretty unusable for me… Good try. please fix follow distance.

Also? Have you considered testing and accepting feedback before releasing things?


LOL I was just saying this to my clanmates. LOL. I’m like, “Is it me or is our horse just a tad bit too close to me now?”

It’s usually fine BUT when I’m doing something, sometimes it now hides me and my actions from view. I missed hitting brimstone so many times because I couldn’t see the node. LOL.

Glad I’m not the only one that noticed this. The fix could literally be a meter or two and it’d be enough.


“Also? Have you considered testing and accepting feedback before releasing things?”

I feel that in my bones. We shouldn’t be finding these glaringly obvious problems within 10 minutes of loading the game. Having the same issue with my Reaper Queen, when telling her to follow me, I spend 50% of the time just trying to get out of her character model, this is exactly why I don’t own a dog, I need some space.


And that is why I am still playing the game…errors will happen. It’s what you do with them afterwards.


It is, and it also doesn’t fight but it does seem to try to stand on the exact same spot you are standing on which I have noticed other animal followers do also. Maybe it’s not just horses with this problem.

Also is it just me or is anybody else’s horse’s not attacking now? That’s really fing dumb

Have you ever met a horse? They’re not exactly attack dogs…

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Horses don’t need to attack. BUT the thrall that you bring with you, SHOULD and it seems to work sometimes and other times it doesn’t . Though the RETURN option does seem to work. It’s prevented my thrall from killing many allies this weekend. LOL.

Something I have noticed is that it seems to take a few minutes for the follower to attack, depending on how you have their settings adjusted, and I have noticed the same thing as far as the horse basically standing on you when you dismount, they obviously don’t understand the concept of personal space, lol

Somewhat similar subject but horses need to be hitched. A semi permanent “stay” option. I leave mine out side of dungeons, caves & hostile towns or other player bases because I don’t want to have to look after it in a brawl or it to get stuck somewhere cramped. Unfortunately if I’m in there too long by the time I come back to where I left it, it’s gotten bored and gone back home.

Do you set the “unfollow” option from the radial menu? That’s what I use, but admittedly, I’ve never been away from him for very long.

Yes just “stop following” as I’d prefer not to set a new “home” position as I’m likely to remember to reset it when I get back to base.

It seems horses (and your other followers) can actually “shove” you. I might have been kicked of a cliff by my horse just bumping into me more than once. Why can’t WE shove our followers so they will finally GO OUT OF THE WAY? Using elvevators with a horse following you… wow good luck.

Best way to describe a horse on follow…

Horse “I want to be inside you…DEEP Inside you!” 0_0
stares into your soul

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