Steam Client vs Funcom Client
The only difference between the Steam client and the Funcom client is how the client itself is accessed. The steam client must be used with Steam accounts through the Steam client. The Funcom client can be used with any Funcom account and accessed through
Accounts that were originally TSW accounts will be able to covert from Funcom to Steam or from Steam to Funcom ONCE. Accounts made after the launch of SWL are NOT eligible to be converted.
Account Status
There are a few origins of accounts that will influence the status of an Account: Steam or Funcom.
TSW Accounts With a Registered Steam Key
Any account created before June 22nd, 2017 with a Steam key registered to it was copied into SWL as a Steam account.
This account can be converted to a Funcom account through This is a ONE TIME process and can NOT be undone. Once this process is completed, the account will always be a Funcom account.
TSW Accounts Registered with a Funcom Key
Any account created before June 22nd, 2017 with a Funcom key was copied into SWL as a Funcom Account.
This account can be converted to a Steam account through This is a ONE TIME process and can NOT be undone. Once this process is completed, the account will always be a Steam account.
This process will OVERWRITE any characters, progress or purchases made on the Steam Account the SWL account is registered to. Contact Customer Service if you have any questions about your Steam Account and SWL Account.
SWL Accounts Made through Steam
Any account made by downloading SWL on Steam and using the “Play Now” button will be an automatically generated Steam account. These accounts are NOT eligible to convert into a Funcom Account.
SWL Accounts Made through this Link
Any account made through the SWL registration page will be a Funcom Account. These accounts can not be converted to a Steam Account.