Title. I cannot figure this crap out and am confused I don’t want to destory the station and re put it down and lose a thrall.
Do you mean being assigned to a station physically or providing the thrall bonuses in the UI?
Huh? They cover all stations they work on within the radius. If you remove a station, nothing will happen to them.
Disable Thrall Use.
This should work on any specific item they can interact with (including your own bed).
Once they move away from the station, they will not return to it.
That is the one perk I like about this so needing 5 slots isn’t needed I just need funcom to add enough extra base slots to cover every station so all are covered couldn’t be more than 10 extra lol. But knowing this was added is wonderful.
Okay thank you I had a feeling but I still want them back in to the inventory if possible but yeah.
Thrall bonuses in the UI
I can just accept I’ll have to kill all my bald ones…
Any bench that can receive multiple specializations will allow it in the UI. This means that if you have all 3 blacksmith specializations, they’ll show. What this also means is that if you have multiple bladesmiths, only the 1st placed of each type will show.
So make your choices, remove multiple of the same kind for instance. Just make sure you have what you need to benefit based on your playstyle and mode.
It sucks in some ways but I’ve learned to adapt to it. Only keep what I need.
Cool thing is that they offer the bonuses in a large radius 51 blocks circular all arpund and infinitely up and down.
Actually I think it has to be global I am getting effects from my main base leagues away from my thrall station. That sucks. I want to be able to just restore them in to my inventory instead. But I guess I’ll do isle of siptah as my secondary now. Because it’s already a pain for thralls. Time to go to the exiles again.
If I put two legendaries down will I get both the benefits? Even if it eats up thrall slots?
You have to select which specialization for crafting.
So if you have a bladesmith and an edgesmith placed providing bonuses to a blacksmith bench, whatever was placed first will be in the first UI bench slot. Select which you want to benefit from and craft. Speed or special recipes doesn’t matter for either.
If you also have a Tempersmith that will be in a 3rd ui slot.
All 3 will take up a thrall slot in your clan follower list.
You should double check about the global, unless something was changed with the hotfix it should only happen within range. See if there’s a thrall nearby.
It sucks that collecting thralls has now become moot. I can only use 1 of each, and can’t swap them around based on how I’m feeling. Also, you can’t put one away if you get a better one or trade with other players when you don’t need one anymore. You literally have to break bonds.
There’s definitely some strengths and weaknesses to the new system.
I agree, my perspective is close to yours.
Cheers… happy day, btw!
I came back to Conan today after a really long time, and seeing this thing with the thralls… I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. How did anyone think this system was a good idea?
They literally took away a whole bunch of possibilities with thralls. Selling them to other players, trading them, swapping for different thralls, collecting them…
This is really bad. No one even asked for such thing
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