How much raid time is too much raid time?

Again, when the player list is updated on public servers to show only those that have recently used voice/text chat people will not simply be able to wait for others to go offline, they will essentially have to visit a base themselves and make the decision to raid or not. That update alone will benefit many, especially those that play less and will essentially do away with the concept of “offline raiding” because players won’t really know who is offline, which will also help kill that argument (thank goodness).

Again, players on official servers that play less wanting to be bolstered with artificial defense mechanics is selfish to state it the least and wanting to reduce the efforts of those that play more is selfish as well. The more you play, the more you can do obviously. Is playing more an advantage, yes, though it is not an unfair advantage which really makes all the difference, it comes with the territory. Can’t play more? Recruit players that do and or can be online during the raid window. Bases getting blown to pieces? Add more layers to the sides and or top, build dummy bases, place thralls, stuff them with food and equip them with a gas mask, hide resources, etc., etc.

If you put in casual hours you can’t reasonably expect to “compete” with those that play considerably more.

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This is a pretty good approach that might work well.

With the thrall nerf & increased PvE difficulty, it might even balance out the disparity between those who like to be able to raid 24/7 and those who go to out of their way to have someone in clan actually playing 24/7.

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Exactly! I think it could be a great addition to the game overall.

I’m curious how it would do in suggestions. But thanks for the love on it!

Also a great idea!

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Having seen this exact thing play out on Private Servers with a well-intentioned but not necessarily well thought out no offlining rule; yes, that is exactly what would happen.

To be fair to the players; some bailed for ‘omg I’ve been on for 12 hours and my organs are going to shut down if I don’t do the eating and the sleeping’ type reasons, but there was definitely more exploitative use of the rule as well (and more than one of those that used going offline as a way to end a raid claimed legitimate “life-stuff” reasons that only seemed to occur when the balance of a raid tipped against them).

To be fair to the admin; the rule was changed to give raiders a 20 minute buffer before the raided party could rightfully have a whinge about it.

Your core point is bang on though: there are certain players who will seek out, find and take full advantage of any tactical advantage they can find.

On the face of things that’s entirely expected and something we all do (not talking actual exploits here obvs), but certain tactics that sit in that moral grey zone between the mechanics and the “spirit” of the game can burn when you’re on the receiving end.

The problem is perhaps the variation in what we consider that “spirit” to be - for the bulk of players (or at least those who post here) that all to often seems to be “I want to be untouchable”, which is simply… wrong. The true heart of this game is its brutality and where that brutality is allowed free rein (ie. official PvP servers), we have to be at least a little okay with that if we’re going to enjoy playing.

Sometimes you’re crushing your enemies. Sometimes you’re crushed. Either way, Crom cares not.

You might find an Admin on a private server that does though; and that’s the middle ground. Brutality might be at the heart of the game, but the configurability (and just the right amount of righteous admin “abuse”) is the beauty of it.

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I guess there is rules againt rebuilding during raid and also a piece limit? If not 1.5 hour raid is way to short for a proper built base. Even if it’s a limitation with building pieces

No rebuild and piece limit ofc.

But bases like dam or deserter’s gutter are unraidable in 1,5h if they repair xD

Yea, all 1-2way entry places are good

I’d say if any time jumps offline while raided, there could be a mechanic that still allows raiding for a period of time (maybe 2-3h) without consequences, after the time period building HP will increase. This will prevent players to jump offline while raided. Somewhat

One of the issues with Offline protection is doesn’t take into account the current balance. Active defenders increase the survivability of a base structure dramatically.

So any mechanic that offers offline protection must consider weakening online players’ builds in some form. The current game is built around offline raiding being a thing. And the strength of buildings reflects that.

Are we alright with that paradigm shift? I would say most would. So even though it would be easier to get in and raid a base while the player is online, they at least have a chance to do something about it.

If I were to do offline protection, it would be 100% protection. Kick in some time after the last player in a clan logs off (servers could tweak this in settings to how much time). And would require a placed object of somesort, that could even require fuel to offer its protection.

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i like that fuel thing

I kinda stole the idea from Empyrion. Offline protection runs off power on the player’s bases. As long as the base is fueled, the base is protected.

This way an abandoned base can’t be protected by inactive players. And it sort of requires logistics for those with a bunch of bases. It would solve a ton of issues some PVPers run into.


ye I do like the benefit of it, however people will argue that they need to do chores, because they ‘‘have’’ to farm for resources. However i will not have issue with it

For the sake of argument (don’t agree with offline protection in any form for the most part), what would be the drawback(s) for players receiving offline protection? What would the other players get from being handicapped? Simply going offline/being offline is far too easy, otherwise a player/clan could farm materials for hours, log off AND gain base defense without consequence. If the other players don’t get something of considerable value in return that wouldn’t be fair to them.

If the claim is along the lines of “I don’t play as much as others which gives them an advantage that they fairly earn by playing and I feel like I deserve to have the defense of my structures artificially boosted to shadow their efforts” then “offline protection” should be based upon play time, not simply logging off/being offline. If a player plays for a few hours here and there then maybe, though being able to play for hours and still be able to benefit by logging off would be quite unbalanced.

i can see u against offline protection period. Probably because you are a few who have a lot of time in your hands? Im guessing here so stay with me.

What i do like to understand why do u say giving offline raid protection is a ‘‘handicap’’ for other players, you talking about the people constantly offline raiding others?
wouldn’t be a decent thing to do to fight with someone who is there to defend themselves? Offline raiding became far to except able in Conan, why? I don’t have an answer to that. Maybe you can answer.

It doesn’t really matter if a player is a high(er) frequency raider or not, in general if the amount of materials it takes to raid is increased simply because the one(s) being raided is offline, that is a handicap for the raider.

Players accept offline raiding when they create a character on a server, they know before joining a server what the raid window is and have an idea of how much time they can be online during that window.

If you are not online to make the fight a “decent thing”, making structures artificially stronger still doesn’t make it decent. Just because a player isn’t online doesn’t mean the fight is not fair or that they deserve artificial defense compensation, especially when there are various courses of action already available to utilize which essentially does the same thing. Building an additional wall/ceiling layer essentially doubles the defense of a structure without the need for some sort of implemented system. Why does it seem that players don’t want to put in the effort to fortify their base(s)?

That’s not only debatable, it’s precisely what’s being debated in this thread.

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interesting thoughts, it is not handicap for a person who offline not able to defend themselves because there is no offline raid protection?

Personally, again i need to point out i just want to have a conversation about it see what people think and I’m in no shape of form against the current system, I did not know what was raiding, raid protection, raid hours before I signed up to Conan, and I do believe many people didn’t know, not sure if i agree with u on that.

I think this question is hard simply because of the type of players out there, hardcore grinders with a lot of hours on their hands, and casual players who don’t have as much time. I think the best solution would be to separate the two type of player base by setting up servers to suit their needs.

Hardcore players could go on a server where 24/7 raiding allowed.
Casuals could go on the one where only weekend raiding allowed.

I think this kind of approach would be much better instead of trying to find a solution that suits all.
What do u think?

If you can’t/choose not to be online during raid time you are forfeiting your ability to defend your base, that is not the fault of anyone else, if you are raided, how is that not fair? It is your responsibility to fortify your base, especially if your play time is more limited. No one is forced to play Conan Exiles, to build one layer of ceilings/walls, to play solo, to keep everything at one location, etc., etc. If the weakest link is the player list on official servers not being updated as it has been on private servers to be able to show only recent in-game communication users, then put pressure on the developers to update official servers as well.

When you choose “play online”, the description for PvP, PvE-Conflict and PvE is shown when highlighted. The settings for each server is shown when they are highlighted… “Building damage weekday/weekend start/end” is quite descriptive even for new players…

Again there are hundreds of private servers currently available with various settings and private servers have a number of settings players are seeking though seemingly don’t want to pay/help pay for it.

Private servers can be set to:

  • 24/7 building damage (restrict PVP building damage:off)
  • Weekend raiding only (building damage weekday start: 0:00, end: 0:00, building damage weekend start: X:XX end: X:XX)
  • Lower building damage multiplier
  • Safe storage (Characters do not stay in the game when logging off)
  • Etc.

The servers are already separated, default settings (official servers) and custom settings (private servers)…

Really like the logic behind this.
Basically a clan should have to place some sort of fuel device that figures pieces, then how fast that fuel burns if all clan members are offline.
In theory, there is already an in game mechanic that could be accessed to figure this.
The thrall decay mechanism that timestamps the last clan log in. How much code and how much draw on the data base i do not know.
But i picture this as the formula that would need translated to the code.

Every 60 minutes (adjustable for privates) check for last log out of clan (accessing the data that the thrall decay uses).

If timestamp < 60 minutes then building damage is still on
go to Fuel
If Fuel = 0 then building damage is on
start fuel burn.

Log in Timestamp is already saved in .db somewhere for the thrall decay timer.

The only new formula that would be needed for the logic is fuel burn rate.
The rate could be 1 * (clan objects/fuel in station) rounded up per second.

What would be the fuel, and what would be the max one could put in at one time are open to tweaking. Also, only one station allowed per clan, as it is only used for protecting while offline the whole clan.

The whole idea would be for # total of EVERY object clan owns would take only a few days (2???) to burn thru before damage was back on when they were offline.

What you would get is 24/7 raid servers, where if a clan was inactive and had enormous land claims they could be offlined if they never “refuel”.

this would not replace decay timer either.