How much raid time is too much raid time?

i like this, that sounds actually cool, especially the part where bigger land claim requires more fuel.

Could be a solution of build up officials?

The hardest 2 things are

  1. Coding it. not as easy as theorizing.

  2. Balance to get timer of obj/cost.

The real equation would also need what is acceptable offline time. this would also tack on to current 7 days period.

the equation (i think???) would entail that number.
Let us say 24 hours is “default” offline grace.
Max filled station is 20,000 Stone. (1 per clan limit)
So equation without knowing objects and fuel in station
86400 seconds / ((obj/fuel)*2 (per minute))
Let us assume in a situation of a small builder, average builder, and large builder all put 20,000 max stone in the “station”.
Now for each, the total object counts are
So for each the equations would be
86400/((5,000/20,000)2)=86400/(.252)=86400/.5=172800 (2 days) added to 7 day decay timer.

86400/((10,000/20,000)2)=86400/(.52)=86400/1=86400 (1 days) added to 7 day decay timer.

86400/((20,000/20,000)2)=86400/(12)=86400/2=43200 (half a day) added to 7 day decay timer.

these are all just examples. balancing the grace and max of station would be key.

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This is why I said online players’ and clan structures would need to be significantly weaker than they are now. Right now as you said, everyone is under the assumption they will be offline raided, the mechanics are built around it currently. Its also why I said there should be a time limit in the form that it doesn’t kick in right as they log off but 10-30 minutes (according to server setting) after the last one logs off. And there being some sort of fuel cost that requires members to login periodically to refill and gather.

But under the current method, logging off for protection would be really bad.

The goal for offline protection shouldn’t be to limit attacks. But to encourage attacks on online players AND reward it. I’ve been in servers where online attacking was the only thing and its pretty intense when an attacker is neutralized and then they become the defender when the previous defenders attack them back. That kind of back and forth is a ton of fun. But it requires a bit of server moderation. With offline protection implemented properly, it wouldn’t need moderation.

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I agree with you, the whole mechanics lately in Conan is , offline raiding someone, on the top of that people think they good at PVP, while in reality all they do is PVB. Unfortunately the current system not rewarding players fairly, yes more time on your hand means you gain more knowledge about the game which evidently gives you advantage over a player who do not play as much, and I am totally fine with that. I assume most players are. However offline raid people because you simply have more time? I don’t find that fair and square.
As it been mentioned before yes you can layer your walls and stuff but let’s be real, there is no such thing unraidable base, especially when defenders are offline.

At the end of the day we signed up for PVP not ‘‘offline raid people’’

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Structures be made weaker? HELL no…

Even with a time limit, logging off x amount of time prior to the raid window is still too easy and players actually putting in the time still get handicapped if raiding others that are offline with no bonus/reward for their increased efforts in return. A bonus/reward still wouldn’t justify offline protection, if you can’t/don’t defend during the raid window that is your problem. Hopefully Conan Exiles doesn’t succumb to rewarding casual players at the expense of those that put in more time and effort like a number of other games do.

If players can farm materials to burn as “fuel” for offline protection, they can surely farm materials to reinforce their base defense…

If you are not online during the raid window or actively seeking other players outside of it when are online… how are you going to engage in PvP? You can’t reasonably complain about being offline raided and not being able to engage in PvP when you… aren’t really… online that much…

Feel like you getting a bit defensive here, yes you are right if someone can’t be only to defend their base is their fault, however expecting from someone to be online 6h 7 days a week (42h/w) is ludicrous.

The statement, punishing players who put more time in for a causal players is a very arrogant attitude. just because someone don’t’ play 42h/week means they don’t get to say anything?

First I thought you actually reasonable but now i can somewhat see you are the kind of player who put a lot of time into this game (good for you btw) and just totally wants to ignore ‘‘casual’’ players.

BTW what is classes as casual? How many hours a player needs to play before they can ‘‘suggest or say’’ something? Do you actually know that the gaming industry relaying on ‘‘casual’’ players because they are generating more money?

Again I have no problem with a current system at all, im simply try to look at both side of the coin, no offline protection what so ever or even just a slight boost of building HP, i found it unfair. That’s all im saying (yes I offline raided people before im not being a hypocrite)

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There’s one in the settings for the purge… would very much like to see it replicated post building damage for raids.

“Rebuilding as a defence” always seems to me a bit… well, Fornitey.

I’m going to pose this question.

What is the benefit to raiding someone who is online versus if they are offline? Well the questions is rhetorical. Because we all know the answer is ‘none’.

So I will follow up an actual question. Why shouldn’t there be a benefit to raiding someone who is online over someone who is offline?

The current system works like this:

You raid someone who is online. They pretty can repair any damage you could possibly do faster than you can deal it. Its a waste of time and resources. Doesn’t even really matter how many you bring. I mean once you hit it with so much BS, you could potentially overwhelm their ability to run around and repair. But is the raid even worth it at that point?

So instead of that nonsense, you wait till your target logs off. Or pretty much pick one that doesn’t seem to be online since on many of these servers this info is obscured. You spend some time assessing the base, looking it over, plan a route to go, and start blowing into it. If luck has it, you might find a good loot stash before you spent more resources than you find.

I can imagine the planning, the assessment, and the thrill of finding the mother load is pretty fun for many of you. I’ll admit, it would be fun for me too. For a time.

But the most fun I’ve had in this game is active PVP. Dueling someone, fighting multiple people, fighting with armies versus armies is even better. And I’ll wager many of you would have fun with that too.

But as the current system is now. That’s not possible unless there’s some private server with offline raiding prohibited. And they do exist, and they are fun. But they do have issues. The game is simply balanced around offline raiding. You can adjust the gather rates and the structure damage, but its plenty hard to find a sweet spot with those rules.

But even then, on those servers the defender knows you’re coming. On those servers you need to declare the raid in a discord. So they’re going to grab all their buddies online, and they’re going to prep their defences.

There’s got to be a better way.

And there is, I’ve seen it in Empyrion. The offline protection. It does work. But as I said before, the structures need to be balanced so online raiding is not only worth it, but rewarding. So that when you expend resources to raid someone, you can do it quickly enough, and without spending more resources than its worth.

Its not as simple as adding a placeable in a base, that protects it, even with a fuel source and cost. But you need to rebalance the costs and strength of buildings, and raid materials. The whole system would damn near need a redesign. Thankfully the only new feature and mechanic would be the protection itself.

But for its actual function. I would say it would require a fuel source of something that requires going to pretty much all corners of the map, something that requires say… Black Ice, Purple Lotus, Dragonpowder, and perhaps something unique from the desert or unnamed city. But the kicker is that the offline protection can only hold enough fuel to function for maybe… a few days at a time. Tie it to a setting apart from fuel consumption. This way servers can adjust this to their needs.

As for when it kicks in. Its not immediately after the last one who logs off. Maybe 30 minutes for officials and other servers can set it in a setting for their purposes. Could even reset that timer everytime the structure takes damage. This way peeps don’t log out if they see someone casing them out.

But it must be easier to get into the base when the owner is online. The repair mechanic will need to be reevaluated. Maybe not even allow repairs to damaged stuff for a time after it was last damaged. Something akin to what Pr0mythean said just above. So if you want to stop a raid you need to sally out and fight. Or my favorite, the counter raid. Raid their base while they’re trying to get into yours. Make them think they’ve hit a honeypot to distract them, or maybe they did.

One thing I would say is probably not allow this to be as effective on the servers that have raid times. Because having people only login during non-raid times, and logging off before the threshold would just be silly.

I’d even say that on raid time servers, the protection wouldn’t even be available, or when it kicks in, decay has begun. But regular PVP servers could benefit. Since people afraid of being raided gotta login sometime.


I agree, if by Crom’s they implement something akin to my “formula” for offline protection, then damage balance can be looked at, as well as repairing. they could institute another mechanic that already exists for repairing, rescue thrall. If anything was damaged of a clans, then repairing is not allowed for 15 minutes for the clan. The cool down would allow for the raid to be true. That alone might be enough without tweaking HP damage of buildings.

My clan and I joined a private on PS4, our 5tyh oer tyhelast 4 weeks. The other 3 turned into bro servers, where one clan was allowed and even fed by admins. My guess is to stream how great they were at the game. The new one is pretty populated. Been on only about 5 hours when a clan mate was jumped at brim. We have nothing, but the Actual PVP that ensued was gratifying. 2 hours of battling for retribution for their attack. We aren’t going to even raid them. We got some melee. And it was the most fun i have had in 2 weeks. I just wish more players (gamers, not just CE OG’s) could experience what we did. Outside of some hit box/lag, it was beautiful. Sad so many want to avoid it at all cot and offline.

And as for raiding, let us be real on officials, you can farm more than you can loot. SO the only reason right now to offline is boredom and excess bombs.

Defensive? Not even the least.

Have not suggested that players be online for the duration of the raid window nor implied that they do. Arguably players for the most part know the risk of not being online during the raid window to actively defend so that goes without saying. If you build it, defend it or leave it up to raiders what happens to your base.

The statement about casual players being rewarded at the expense of those that play more did not come from an arrogant place. Players of any play time amount, for or against offline protection can voice their opinions (which a number have) though when casual type players want something that will considerably affect those that play more, people can and do voice their opinions about that as well.

Based on what exactly? Opposing opinions? Suggesting players utilize private servers to get the experience they want? Suggesting those that won’t be online during the raid window to build better?

Personally have a number of online and real life friends that play Conan Exiles for varying amounts of time and very few if any feel that offline protection on official servers is a good idea, also have personally played for varying amounts of time. A number of players sometimes choose to sacrifice things like more hours at work, time with friends and family, sleep, etc. to be online during the raid window whether it be in part or for the entire duration and those players ought not be handicapped if they want to raid others simply because they are offline/have “stoked a fire with coal” and now their structures have x times more HP. It goes both ways, some players choose real life over the game and some players sacrifice real life for the game and those that sacrifice to play more shouldn’t have their effort artificially reduced on official servers.

In the context of “casual” players in the gaming industry (thank you for mentioning it), casual players tend to spend money for cosmetics, progress in the game (boosters, lock boxes, etc.) and to be able to compete more with those that play considerably more. Comparing that logic to Conan Exiles, having offline protection on official servers, which will not cost casual players a dime will generate what money exactly for the game? Guaranteed DLC pack purchases?..

If “casual” players that want offline protection utilized private servers to serve that purpose (which private servers can and have done), wouldn’t the issue essentially go away and players on both sides of the discussion be well served as well as the game itself? No weakening of structures, no changes to the repair mechanic (makes little if any sense not to be able to repair/build during a raid), the game receiving more revenue to support future development, etc., etc.

Currently official servers are “default” and free to play, private servers have a cost involved and customizable options which arguably is a fair trade off.

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The problem with privates is it takes a lot of work to enforce the no offline. What a suggestion like adding in a developer way to attain that would improve those as well. And again, if something like this would come about (offline protection of some sort) having some servers (dead ones) to appease part of the public gamer base would not hurt those that like PVU (user generated dungeons). but i feel the real worry of those players is that the no offline servers would gain popularity, and then they would not have bases on the offline servers to raid, thus they would have to either just play “solo” on those servers, or–gulp—actually pvp during raids.

Add offline protection options to private servers…

Or add it to officials, and no offline protection can be a setting for those that don’t want to pvp???

Adding such non-default settings to official servers of Conan Exiles where currently private servers offer the same/similar experience seems quite counter productive.

You’re not wrong.

Typically raids that I’ve seen done on non-officials is for RP reasons. In fact I saw a complaint on a server I used to play on where a party went to go raid someone. But because they only brought about 3-4 guys, it was considered a small raid which means the defenders couldn’t prep for it, or even act as if they knew it was coming.

So they followed the rule and kept RPing where they were, which wasn’t in the base. The raiders came and found the base with no one home. Since they were there to punish the inhabitants rather than take loot they didn’t need. They turned around and went home. They weren’t there to take loot, they were there to PVP and RP. But without anyone home (and they were online, just not present) there was nothing to do except break a few pots and leave a warning.

I’d imagine this is an issue for normal PVPers looking for a fight in a siege, and let me tell you, an active siege is alot of fun. But offline raiding just makes that not really possible under current mechanics without some heavy server moderation.

On official PvP servers if you want to raid someone, you raid them, whether they are online or not, you don’t have to announce it, there are no rules of how to do it, etc. Ask for permission/announce a raid? Yea right lol

The dynamic personally and predominantly experienced on official PvP servers is the less aggressive players on prior to the RW (raid window) and the more aggressive players on during the RW. Depending on the server you essentially have to actively seek other players out if you want to fight against another player outside of the RW and sometimes even during. Sometimes players destroy some stuff and or send messages to try and spark conflict and encourage the owner to be online during the RW/retaliate.

It makes little to no sense to complain about being offline raided + not being able to engage in PvP when you are offline during the RW. Increasing the amount of materials to raid someone offline does what exactly? 6 hours is a considerable and decent amount of time to raid a base(s) (it can go by quite fast) and can be quite a loooong time when you are actively defending (it can seem like forever). Artificially increasing the HP of structures with offline protection will offset “raidability” considerably. Sometimes raids almost took the full 6 hours to breach into the heart of structures/“good stuff” as is.

If u not getting defensive than it’s fine my bad.

I think there will always be a difference between casual players and hardcore players.

i don’t consider myself casual but def, not hardcore (15-20h/w i can put in) and I love PVP and the game should reward PVP. Unfortunately Conan does not.

Why do I think you ‘‘ignore’’ casual players?
Hopefully Conan Exiles doesn’t succumb to rewarding casual players at the expense of those that put in more time and effort like a number of other games do. Based on this sentence, however I could be wrong on this.

Again if you think about it, no matter how well you build is just a matter of time before someone gets in, no such thing un raidable base. I think we can agree on that. Now that rase a question in me, why is that?

Reason I think there is absolutely no base protection. Yes you can place thralls ,but god look at their mechanics, they just stand there getting gas and acid arrows to the ground (not to mention animals that are completely useless in this game, might as well just take it out).

I say when a solo player with arrows and a Thrall can raid a base on it’s own and kill everything in it (i see it on twitch a solo p[layer killed 20 thralls and raided a base, yes took him a 3h but still he did it), well I think we can agree when I say there is a lack of balance in the game.

I think the idea of casual or hardcore in this discussion is irrelevant.

I’ve got 88 hours played in the last two weeks (the wonders of being a server admin). And I can see true benefits to an offline protection system for those who are hardcore. The benefits for the casual are plain to see for anyone.

I’m sorry but I’m not buying into the idea of people playing thousands of hours logging in, farming stone and wood, farming the same legendaries ad naseum, and then raiding people for the same crap over and over while they’re offline as being any sort of ‘fun’. That’s got to get boring after a while. As I said before, its fun to crack a hard base. The first time, and maybe the second one. But after the 5th, 6th, 10th, 20th… with no fight. I don’t see it. You guys do you I guess.

The most fun I’ve had in the game was when I was with 18 others fighting against 24 defending a base. That was a three hour fight of constant bombardment. We had to use explosive jars on people rather than buildings because there was enough of them to form a shield wall like it was out of 300.

The fight ended with a truce. Items that were stolen by the defenders were returned, attackers gave materials to fix some of the damage they caused. And then we all had a blast talking about how we kicked each others’ as ses on discord.

You all are missing out. Just saying. Don’t knock it till you try it.


That’s what Im saying if offline raid will be '‘punished’ to say it will push players towards the real PVP, what u just described. I don’t want to raid bases especially when no one home!

I want PVP, i want to fight people not foundations.