How to get a purge to actualy spawn?

ok me and my friends have been wanting to capture named thralls from purges we have 4 bases and serverl outposts all over but everytime we fill the purge meter we get purge incomeing warning then we all go to the base indicated stand t here and wait.

then says purge attacking waits a few minutes and then regrouping rinse and repeat we try to build in the open when possable but this is 4th in a row that did nothing.

doesn’t the game not check to see if a base is even attackable before it attacks? or anything takes long time to get the meter filled as it is to lose 4 in a row.

Are there other people on the server? That is, is it possible that your Purges end up spawning in a position where another player’s base is between you and them, derailing the Purge. It may also be possible that hostile NPCs intercept your Purge, although I’m not sure if anything out in the wild actually attacks them.

If the Purge is regrouping, then something (or someone) is killing the attackers.

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ya other players but the base that was marked was in volcano and were the only ones who have a base up there at this point

Ah, the Volcano. Yeah, Volcano Purges are a little broken because the NPCs don’t recognize lava as hazardous terrain, so they idiots’ll happily prance into lava and die a quick, painful death, like moths to a flame.

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What we did was I split one of my two accounts off into a separate clan and then built just a single small base (i.e. 9x11 footprint, 2-floors, pointed roof) on relatively flat ground, at least 200 meters from any other clans’ structures. This makes it so that the purge has a very easy time figuring out where to attack, and that it’s extremely easy to both spot where they are attacking from and coordinate defense.

Since doing this, I’ve been able to capture multiple T4 armorers, 2 blacksmiths, and even an alchemist.

Of course, it can be challenging for a solo player to fill the purge meter, but as long as you have at least one person to maintain the stuff for your original clan, you could have others join the new one to help build purge meter faster and then swap back once you’ve gotten the thralls you want.

The important thing though is to keep just that single base and not proliferate outposts like was necessary with your main clan. Remember: the sub-clan is concerned only with the purge thralls, not mining resources, capturing other thralls, etc.

In terms of equipping thralls, I usually give them the lowest damage weapons possible that will still accept and Advanced Blunt Fitting. This way, they can still kill wolves and such, but they’ll typically KO human NPCs rather than killing them. (Notable exception being archers who have less HP than KO meter.)

Hope this helps.

NOTE: Due to the current bug where a given base will just keep receiving the same purge type as it gets the first time, I did have to demolish and relocate multiple times before I finally started getting purges with suitable thralls. First try was south of Sepermeru, second was the island with the Rotbark in J6, third was “A Light to Guide Them Home” on the coast, and fourth was just to the NE of New Asagarth where one of the mammoths spawns (just north of the little 2-man camp).

This right here, I made a base purposely between to lava streams. And they walk right into it everytime.

I did it for laughs…and free loot. Seen a few t4 thralls who i tried save and capture… but oh well.
it lest lava is instant death and not “Oh God, I’m on Fire Help Me Tom Cruise!”

I don’t know about PS4 but on PC all you have to do to fill the meter is stay logged in. Doesn’t matter if you do anything or not. If not actually playing then put everything in a chest since you’ll die of hunger and/or thirst then afk. In a few days the meter will fill on it’s own. I stay logged in overnight quite often to pad the meter, so to speak. I first tried this in an attempt to stop the meter from losing ground when I wasn’t logged in and discovered that it actually gained.

No idea if this intended or will continue to work in future patches but it does for now.

This is what I do on PC as well. However, being as PS4 has been over-crowded and players have been fighting to connect, I opted not to mention this method since I didn’t want to contribute to making the problem worse…

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