How useful is light armor?

I feel like there should be a perk somewhere that increases the overall armor rating to something similar to medium to make it more viable. I know there is the “increase armor by 1/5 of your stamina” perk, but that is far from the mark, imo. That’s something like an extra 50 armor if you’re wearing Black Water? Doesn’t seem worth it. The whole point, I suppose, is that you’re not supposed to be getting hit in the first place, but I feel like that’s too limiting and not altogether worth the trade off of taking one massive hit (no one is perfect) versus just being able to tank it so much better with medium or heavy.

Light armor is preferred on PvP, so it has its place.

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Dragonhide Light or Silent Legion light is your typical go-to on every map and you can boost your armor by using Aspect of the Demon helmet if you play on Siptah or have access to Siptah items on your server. So yeah in some cases you can reach up to medium armor values.
T4 Shieldwright Aspect of Demon helmet is 422+ armor alone. Just put armor reduction on that thing 'cause it’s really heavy without it and additional armor from bulked is not really worth it.

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With Epic light armor you can get to ~55 % damage reduction. With Epic medium, you can get to ~70 %. The difference becomes meaningful only in prolonged fights where you get hit often. The only reason why I use medium rather than light is the bonkers stat bonuses on Skelos Master robes. Before that was introduced, I wore light armor everywhere.

My main strategy is not getting hit in the first place. Having a decent pool of hitpoints will keep you alive even if you screw up an important dodge at some point, and healing items should be carried wherever you intend to go fight anything dangerous.

Also, I have a pack rat mentality, so I tend tp pick up and carry lots of potentially useful stuff all the time, so lighter armor lets me carry more stuff without slowing me down.

Light armor + bonus health + Steel Thewed & Last Stand
and you will know how miserable the seemingly formidable Heavy Armors really are.

I wear legendary light Armor the provides +60 health

Works for me

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