Hunting Jaguar... or not

Got the challenge to hunt Jaguar, went up to the oasis of Heket{?} Half a dozen spawns there.
Also had the mini boss challenge, was hoping that base built over the spawn was gone.
Got there and you know where this is going. The place I reported was gone, woo… and some one has already rebuilt over the boss spawn. Not wasting my time, F’it, not like funcom cares.

So off to hunt jags, nope, built over, nope, built over, nope built to close… one of the half dozen jaguar spawns hasn’t been built over, and that one is so close to a base the guards run out and kill it as fast as it spawns.

Ya I can hunt jags on the other side of the map, there are other mini-bosses; corrupts count. But I shouldn’t have to.

POIs should be no build zones.

Ya, this is one of my top 5 “why I ain’t playen” grips.

If they’re blocking important NPC spawns… then for the millionth time… go and report them…

If they’re NOT blocking important NPC spawns and they’re just building bases in a reasonable manner, however multiple people are doing it to where it’s affecting spawns of a particular type… then that’s more of a conversation to be had with the residents of the server… there is global chat…

If you just want the convenience of doing your battle-pass all at once and aren’t happy with killing as many Jaguars as there are spawned or not happy traveling more to get to them… then go to single player… complete your challenge there…

But I think I speak for all of us now :slight_smile: You seriously need to stop whining about this exact same thing which translates to “The presence of other people upsets me on official servers”, you have like 4 threads which are all “beating around the bush” but essentially are the exact same complaint worded differently.
I’m not saying this to be mean thou!

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I did point out it is one of my top 5 grips. I’ve also pointed out for me, as long as something is an issue I’m going to pound on the greasy spot where a horse once stood.

And for the millionth time, reporting them does no good.

I have 0 issue with players that are thoughtful of other players. I have issues with clear TOS violations being ignored but admin/funcom.

I never word it different. What I don’t get is why people want to take what I say and twist it to mean what they want. Think for just a minute longer then normal. Why would I continue to play on the official server when I have multiple options? Maybe because playing an MMO single player is like watching movies alone in your home theater? Maybe because I want to play on a server that is vanilla with no mods and other players?

One of the issues with this forum is people thinking they speak for anyone save themselves.

Start a new single player game - open admin panel - spawn in 1 star metal sword or preferred weapon , 1 full set silent legion armor or preferred armor then spawn in 10 jags and kill them completing the challenge then go back to your main game and report any way.

The great thing is the Battle Pass is exceptionally easy, we have a variety of choices, and we have re-rolls available too.

If a particular daily challenge is causing you angst due to whatever reason, I’d recommend making a mental note of it and not worrying about it now or in the future. Or complete it partially, any progress will remain next time that daily challenge appears making it easier to complete then. Which I think is a great little feature.

Let me stop you all right there, doing the battle pass is not the issue.
I’ll make this perfectly clear, my issue has nothing to do with the battle pass.
Once more, this has nothing to do with the battle pass.

on my sever i dont have problems like that but some players are building bases wich are extremely useless. I mean they claiming a whole lake or claiming the whole area around an obelisk and what did they build on that massive sandstone places? nothing or elevators wich connecting the one end from the base with the other and the best they never playing they only refreshing and some players did this for years now. On the other side i have big problems to find a good base spot for me because so much good spots are full of animal spawns and when i dont know if i get banned when i block a rhino spawn or someting else. Maybe some places should have a poi and some places a bit lesser animal spawns or one animal spawn have 5 animals spawning instead of 3.

I think this might have something to do with the battle pass…

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