Just the initial crafting mechanism is absent. But likely to be put back in for the release. I agree tho… it’ll be a bummer if they don’t or if they forget…
I think it’s a MASSIVE improvement. I went back to regular Live earlier today because the TestLive server died, and in just two days of using the new system, the old one seems positively ancient in comparison. And that’s coming from someone who’s a compulsive builder and always thought the building system was one of CE’s strongest suits (it was, and still is).
I like some of the things with the new building system and not others.
A search function would be nice so you can go directly to the item or the group of items you are looking for so you are not paging through multiple menu options, for example if you are looking for a door, a search function that would display all doors would be nice.
At times I like to build a structure near my base where all the crafting capability is, then disassemble it and move the parts to the construction site where they are reassembled. This has the advantage of having exactly what is needed, number and types of door frames, foundations, window frames, etc. The new system, buy disassembling everything into base components requires a bunch of screenshots and lists of components which is a major PIA frankly. It also results in the weight of the items to be greatly more than that of the already constructed building pieces which will greatly increase the amount of time a player is running around moving things, the boring part.
The creative building mode is pretty awesome for admin created locations, and being able to point at and select pieces is great for speeding up the build. It would be nice to have some kind of last used queue available so you could rapid select the last few items you used eliminating the menu search to grab something (the aforementioned search function would help here too).
Português PT-BR
Os blocos e paredes não estão voltando para nosso inventário porém pode sim substituir uma parede por uma porta ou janela sem perder nossos recursos. É questão de acostumar com as novas ferramentas de construção. Vídeo gravado em testlive 3.0
Eu também sempre faço isso ajuda muito no farm para o pvp. Olhando para esse ponto agora está pior sim ficou ruim poder somente coletar sem deixar fazendo o itens enquanto coleta o recurso.
Português PT-BR
O que está ruim com esse novo sistema de construção que agora não podemos voltar com um bloco para o inventário como era antes e também não conseguimos construir quando fazemos o farm. Mas acho que é apenas uma nova forma de construção, porém não tem como fazer mais nada sem o martelo.
I had to toss it into a translator. He’s more or less just saying he agrees and likes the new building system.
He did mention the fact that now you have to equip the building hammer to do anything, but you had to equip each individual piece before, so it’s really an improvement.
Cheers. Yeah I could do that, but I’m not going to. I mean he’s free to speak whatever language he wants. Or if not, the mods can deal with it, not I. I haven’t actually ever checked if there’s anything in The Rules™ about that.
I can’t be bothered to have Google translate on standby for every post though
Yeah, that’s not going to work. It’s fine for the occasional post though.
I don’t recall anything specific in the rules about only using English, but whether it is or not it’s just a basic courtesy to use a common language, and English just happens to be the most widely used common language. Though I completely 100% understand if someone doesn’t speak it, so I won’t fault someone for using a different language unless it gets out of hand.
Yeah me neither, there can be any number of reasons for that, and it’s honestly none of my business which one(a) apply it will invariable lower the chance of interacting with others (which is the entire point of a forum), but c’est la vie
I say force the diversity, translate and disambiguate! Maybe forum developers will figure out that these should have been multilingual and autotranslating decades ago and actually do something about it when enough people like Mikey pop up.
I think what we really need is for the U.N. to declare a single global language for the entire planet that everyone on Earth must use from now on. And obviously there is only one language that is suitable for that task.
I’m really enjoying the new building system. I’ve used it in single player and on pvp testlive. One of the biggest QoL improvements to me is the t3 crafting stations; they craft instantly. No longer standing around waiting 15 minutes after queuing up some t3 stations. Just point, click, poof, it appears.
I also really like the new menu. Did take a little getting used to, but building pieces are sorted by style, so you don’t have all your DLC cluttering your inventory menu.
My initial reaction was frustrated. But 5000+ hours of playing Conan, I’m having to ‘unlearn’ habits to learn the new system. And after playing with it for a while, it’s grown on me. I go back into the current build on officials and I miss the new system. Especially when trying to correct mistakes. I have a current build on officials that has a few whoopsies that I’m waiting to fix just so I can use the new system. This new system really helps with fixing building mistakes.