I’m a pc player. I have quite a few hours in conan exiles, predominantly building (~8k hours). I have been watching, with baited breath all the new stuff coming out in 3.0. Some of it looks delightful. Some of it does not.
But my worry, from what i have seen regarding the new building system. One of my biggest struggles, as a builder, has always been the need for more than 8 slots. As i’m building i’ll often be using doors, walls, triangle walls, ceilings etc. I find building is an organic process. I dont do foundations, then walls, then winds, then doors then ceilings etc. So having quick access to as many ‘parts’ of a building at once streamlines the process.
From what i can see, from the stream previews of the building process with the new hammer etc is that now, instead of having 8 building parts accessible before i have to go into a ui (inventory) to select a piece i need is being reduced to a single slot. I dont feel i need to really explain that having to search through a ui every time i want to put in a window or a door or a different wall type etc is going to be a LOT more time consuming than the current system. It is going to frustrate me. I dont think it will be an improvement.
I just hope that i’m wrong.
I do like the creative mode toggle. The ui seems a lot more intuitive in terms of what you’re selecting. But having 1 slot is going to be a nightmare. Hopefully this is explained in a reasonable way that’s understandable.