New Building System Concerns

I’m a pc player. I have quite a few hours in conan exiles, predominantly building (~8k hours). I have been watching, with baited breath all the new stuff coming out in 3.0. Some of it looks delightful. Some of it does not.

But my worry, from what i have seen regarding the new building system. One of my biggest struggles, as a builder, has always been the need for more than 8 slots. As i’m building i’ll often be using doors, walls, triangle walls, ceilings etc. I find building is an organic process. I dont do foundations, then walls, then winds, then doors then ceilings etc. So having quick access to as many ‘parts’ of a building at once streamlines the process.

From what i can see, from the stream previews of the building process with the new hammer etc is that now, instead of having 8 building parts accessible before i have to go into a ui (inventory) to select a piece i need is being reduced to a single slot. I dont feel i need to really explain that having to search through a ui every time i want to put in a window or a door or a different wall type etc is going to be a LOT more time consuming than the current system. It is going to frustrate me. I dont think it will be an improvement.

I just hope that i’m wrong.

I do like the creative mode toggle. The ui seems a lot more intuitive in terms of what you’re selecting. But having 1 slot is going to be a nightmare. Hopefully this is explained in a reasonable way that’s understandable.


My understanding is you can cl8ck on an already placed piece and it will move to the build slot. If so, thne this allows you the flexibility to build in pieces like you described. Not 100% on that. Would have to dig thru the stream.

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I think they mentioned you can “copy” existing pieces yes. Though that ofc would not help so much when starting out and having to find all the wall types, frames, windows roofs etc that a builder might have pre-build in the old system knowing they will likely need them.

What would help is probably a “favorites” category so that you can pre-select all the pieces in a build you think you need as favorites and then have a rather fast access to those instead of having to find them in the categories for each type.


Honestly what id like to do is do an infinte slot but only on mouse wheel where you select a group of building pieces and then have a button press + mouse wheel to cycel through the pack you have carefully crafted to build your home with as an option.

But i know it will be odd for the first days though just bear with the new system … eventually someone will make a mod soo just request features thst you see will help youna a builder

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