Having thralls do all the work for you has to have a price. Feeding them is the price or you have dead thralls and no labor for you, ya cruel, heartless, cheap-skate slave-driver.
I simply suggest they tune the feeding so it won’t be so resource heavy or cross resource costly.
Come up with a crafted food more suitable for the regular T1-T2 thralls. (such as a thrall meal and they are fed at least twice a day to stay healthy)
But I won’t dispute the need for named thralls to have specified foods. Such as exotic meals. It’s only fitting they get what “they” want, if you want to keep them.
But instead of being starved to death (and unfortunately this mimics a certain Nazi death camp forced slavery system), they could instead revolt on you for depriving them and rip you limb from limb. This I would support.
Humans are omnivores.
There is a wise chinese saying: “If you are hungry enough, everything tastes good, especially cooked.”
And… believe me, if I’m expected to feed a garrison of 30 guards, i’m gonna be worse than Himmler.
My policy will be to strip and starve the thralls after a purge as thanks for their services, and be free of maintenance. At the next purge, I will then get 3 thralls out of the vault where I keep the other 230+ thralls in, equip them for the purge, then…decommission them again rinse repeat.
I can replace those thralls in a matter of minutes.
It will all depend on the tuning. Mine is a worst case scenario.
And besides, gruel is not their favored food right now. The fighters all want cooked exotic meat, roasted haunches or fried shrooms.
Well you’re entitled to your opinion, but I’d think this game doesn’t need less users, and being hostile to those who might occasionally have other things to attend to than playing the game seems counter productive.
If you introduce the thrall feeding system as it stands right now … I will leave the game, because I don’t want that extreme of grind. It is ridiculous.
Neither does my sister, or my brother who both also play the game. They’ll leave. So if my situation is a measure, you’ll lose a significant amount of players with this mechanic.
It is not well thought out. At all.
What this mechanic actually looks like is an attempt to bandaid a solution to game problems (server load, lack of content at end game) by introducing a player bottleneck. That is what this decision appears to be to the consumer.
This is a profoundly dumb idea. Fish traps in RL don’t need bait. That’s kind of the idea of fish traps. If you want to put in a fishing with rod mechanic, do that.
In real life, people of specific ethnicity do not demand a specific food item or else starve. They eat whatever they can get if they are hungry.
And slaves who are serving a terribly brutal master (as the scenario in this game set in a brutal prehistoric mythological setting) eat whatever the hell they are given or they are beaten to within an inch of their lives.
If you want my honest opinion, I’ll put the views I’ve expressed here in my Steam review with the title “do not buy this game”.
I’m not kidding. That’s how much of an abuse of the player base this addition is. Pass that to your PR people, by all means.
Yeah, um NOPE! They are slaves, I beat over the head until they were unconscious, drug on a chain back to my base, forced them on a slave wheel until their will was broken and then put them to work. They will do as they are told or they will die and be replaced.
The game is broken enough already! Leave it as it is now, or limit thrall taming with a thrall cap to limit their server load or… fun idea: OPTIMIZE YOUR GAME TO RUN WITH UNLIMITED THRALLS because in PvP people build armies for a reason: Broken and unbalanced game mechanics! Which leads me to another beef.
Why add feeding thralls when THEY CAN’T EVEN FIX THEIR AI! Or maybe fix purges, or oh you know maybe, just maybe patch the chair on the riverbed glitch so people stop building their bases underwater?..
This game is a lost cause, 6K players in the last 24 hours, ARK had nearly 40K in the same time. Ni incentive to play this game when they can’t even fix it then add more b.s. mechanics that do nothing but bottleneck their already dwindling player base.
Seriously, since what most of you are complaining about IS NOT a live release YET …
(you’re playing TESTIVE) …
Here is your chance to convince them to make changes or tune it up before releasing it to the rest of us lowly peons.
Because as of right now, I am completely unaffected by it SINCE I DON’T PLAY TESTIVE.
Now, before you say anything else … perhaps this should have been posted in SUGGESTIONS, because it is there where they might pay some attention to this post.
They are pretty much killing PVP servers with all these new changes. We are busy enough fighting/Defending bases from players. PVE I can understand since apart from purges, they don’t have much going on.
As a dedicated PVE player, I can assure you we hate these changes too (probably not all, but most I’ve spoken to). For me it’s not about the game getting “harder” - that’s fine, actually - it’s about it getting more time-consuming.
Sorry but this is a bad poll. You already left the option out to vote for the new system (maybe with tweaks).
I will not take part on such a poll. I like the new idea but think it needs some balancing. Especialy for patching, when people have to face the new demands for the first time. This needs to be addressed. But comparing it with catering and yourself to generals and kings is out of place. Since when do kings hunt their own meal by themselfs? Or craft the armory? Or build their castle? Should we implement a building piece cap per player to reduce server load, too? I don’t think so. It’s an additional challange to get thrall population under control but they leave it up to you how much you can accomplish. I appreciate such an approch over adding simple cheap caps. They offer immersion, more player interaction (than just butchery) due to more teamwork and trading.
I’m fairly sure it was there, as I considered it myself, but I guess I could be wrong.
Changing the available options midway through a poll is a pretty serious accusation though (accidental at best, deliberate manipulation at worst).
Edit: If you’re right and it was just added, it has 14 votes in 19 minutes, compared to 49 votes for all the other options in 24 hours+. Sorry, but either “give it a chance” is WILDLY popular, or the option was there all along.
What Mikey said. Your opinion is actually represented on the poll.
If you feel like i’m missing something on the poll, that’s also represented.
That’s up to the king to decide. But nobody decides what the king does or it’s back to the wheel with them.
I’d like that, but I know a lot of builders will quit if that happens. Capping building pieces reminds me of the tile and dimension cap on ARK Rafts… you can build a Raft base, and some people have it down to a science to make the most of limited tile pieces:
There are decay umbilicals all over CE…but… that’s a different topic for a different poll.
“immersion” Wouldn’t really put micromanaging your base like farmville to be immersive. At least not in a good way. Having a more detailed procedure to craft weapons/armor like actually forging it yourself now that would be immersive. Not something I expect to see of course. This doesn’t feel immersive, just more time consuming nonsense that doesn’t add anything of value to the game. At least from a PVP server perspective.
Yeah of course! I always blank out what I’m looking for.
You avoid the argument. You have no option if you want a fighter thrall you have to give him a (good) weapon. Now we add food to it and you come with “no, thats not my job!” But the gear is fine?
That’s part of balancing. As I said before, I don’t agree with the implementation of it, as it is right now. But that doesn’t mean, that it is wrong in principal.