hi guys i lost my char making transfer to official 6103 pls help me
@Community, does this needs a Zendesk ticket? Is it possible to guide the fellow exile please? Thanks in advance.
I thought it was fixed as stated in last patch.
It was not. Same old. - i lost a lvl 60 char. Token error.
I couldn’t be bothered to report it, and started a new character, but won’t use transfer again.
thanks for rply whats a zendesk ticket?
I respect your decision, I would probably do the same, but if there is a way to save this is good to know. But again, I would do the same.
@robsaam my dear friend, the last months all the problems are reported through Zendesk tickets. So admins there will react the soonest possible (maybe 2 weeks) to solve your problem. You just need to visit Zendesk (Google it), find the Conan exiles section and place your report giving all the necessary details they need. I cannot give you more info about the link, maybe @droch-aon or @Ragnaguard could upload the link here, thank you guys in advance .
Thank you very much, I use my self phone and I don’t know how to copy and paste here, again thank you very much.
Do you have any knowledge please if this problem will be solved by a Zendesk ticket?
TYVM i dont want to lose my char because had lot of recipes… and good stuf fro transfer to new server with more ppl to play
Hello everyone,
Yes, if you are experiencing issues with character transfers please make sure you submit a ticket in Zendesk.
More information can be found in this post
Thank you a million
Totally respected. Especially on Siptah the knowledge is so rng that would hurt me too to loose a character. From exile lands the only knowledge that is is a bit annoying to loose, at least for me, is the tablet of power. For all the others, having them or not it’s just collectable reasons, except a pair of daggers that I never use (venom infused) and maybe a klin for decoration.
Above all there is always the fact of choice, “I want this character”, you invested crazy gaming hours in this toon and ofcurce you want to keep on playing with it.
Usually the character is back after restarting the game or it works if you just try again. (depending on if it’s gone or just makes an error when you import it)
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