I want to make sure I understand

I just want to make sure I understand. I missed or I think I missed the grace period for the release mechanic for thralls. A good chunk of my pets and thralls are gone.

It says 100 thralls for a max clan. Mine have all been reduced to about 1000 or so HP due to the changes. I realize I need to go an hunt more.

So does this mean that a solo player can have 50 thralls in total where as a fully stacked clan can have 100?

Is this 100 per player or 100 per clan?

While I realize this will encourage smaller building structures I wanted to know if the thralls are divied out amongst all clan mates etc.

How many can a single clan mate have?

As you know clans tend to build at all 4 corners of the map. Creating their own structures etc. So the thinning of thralls is important to know.

It almost feels as though It would be better for a player to remain solo with a 50 thrall army than in a clan where each base gets upwards of 25 each?

This would be more effective on pve c servers where being in a clan would then reduce your amount of protection a great deal. Sure you have clan mates. But they cant always be on or signed in.

Maybe I just need more clarification.

55 thralls per player +5 per clan memeber up to 100 thralls in a full 10 players clan

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The culling is not enabled on official servers yet. Do you play in singleplayer or on a private server?

So. Arguably. Small house. Solo. Best way to play. Aim for a flat playing field.
Get the shrine you want or need

But solo defense makes more sense now.

I dunno how I feel about this all. Should I leave my clan?

I did notice that on single player the limit is on by default.


Yep, thatā€™s why I was asking.

I am starting to feel, that playing solo is going to be better than playing on pveā€¦

You can change whatever you need - thrall limit, thrall crafting speed.

Is it possible to solo dungeon with a thrall after new levelling system? If yes, than I think, I will switch to solo play - I like to build cities or villages (more than one) and in online games, nice spots are sometimes taken :smiley:

Only downside is, you cant meet other playersā€¦but still, you are free to change settings and play the way, you likeā€¦


If itā€™s official, your pets shouldnā€™t be gone. @Ignasi or @Hugo should be able to confirm that, too. What does your event log say about them?

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Officials do not have the culling turned on yet. You can find it in the server settings under pets.

Yes. Most mounds and volcano T4 thralls start with a high HP. Plus, the first few levels come relatively quickly. Once they hit like level 10, they are comparable to pre-patch T4ā€™s. After that, they actually could go to a Demi-God status.

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I am missing all of my bears. Im missing my undead and all of my little scorpions. It looks as though my greater ones are there along with some of my thralls. Which have been reduced to nothing.

Iā€™ll check the log again tonight. But I am missing a fair chunk of animals.

Perhaps a clan mate killed them. Or someone boss dragged to my location. With the reduction of HP they would easily be killed I assume.

Both are quite plausible. Iā€™ve had the reaper queen fight the veritable zoo my inactive clanmate gathered around her base. I couldā€™ve broken their bonds, but itā€™s more fun to have them sacrifice their lives to get me another skeleton key :wink:

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I checked the log. A clan mate went though and dismissed some so that we were equal across the board. Makes sense.

Now I am just trying to figure out how to rebuild. Or if its just worth it to start fresh.

My castle is just plain too large to defend against a purge at this time. I would not be able to do it without my current thrall count.

Iā€™m but leveling a new thrall to take their place raises my purge bar. Which ultimately is a double edged sword.

Level 1 thrall who can barely defend my base against a purge. Or have my current setup who wont be able to defend much of anything.

I feel like FC should disable the purge for a period of time until we can get ourselves back to an equal footing.

Eventually at end thralls will still be stronger than player characters so defending my base on my own is going to be a challenge.

While I love many of the new challenges and changes. And I am certainly not lazy. I feel somewhat disadvantaged.

I mean I put a ton of effort in catching the thralls and making a base. Both could be wiped in an hour with a 10 round purge.

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Before the update I placed a single thrall in a place where three Nordheimers spawn. Whenever I came into renderiing distance, he slaughtered the three of them. After the patch he was gone, he was to weak to stand against them, simply.

That may be what happened to your animals, if they were not in a ā€˜safeā€™ location.

Hey there,

Just to clarify, the culling is still disabled on official servers. If they disappeared, please check the event log to see if thereā€™s any mentions that could explain those disappearances.

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My area is secluded. There isnt anyone around. Nor any hostiles. Iā€™m in a perfectly safe zone. Like so safe its boring.

It was my clan mate who removed them.

All is well in that department

Hi. @Ignasi The culling was done by a clan mate. My concern is less about the missing thralls. Its more about collecting new ones. Which I am fine doing.

However what I have been left with is pretty much gimped to the point where they would be killed by any type of purge.

We know that leveling a new thrall comes with time and each one needs to be leveled 1 by 1. All well and good. However it puts us is a sticky situation where the purges have not been disabled.

While I level my thrall, I risk triggering a purge. In which my legacy thralls could not defend against. Sitting ducks as you will.

If I was in a very active clan. I could get assistance. However this is not the case.

I respect the concept and I am sure that in time it will balance out. However this is jarring at the moment.

Even if I did capture a thrall. Leveled it to the point of when my purge struck, it would more than likely die. My others could not support it.

My character is Level 60, and weaker than most thralls. As all player characters generally are.

So in reality it makes more sense to leave my clan. Start solo. Login once every 3 to 4 days to begin the leveling process of said thrall. This would reduce my purge bar. Allowing me to eventually obtain maybe 3 level 10s. Which im not sure could handle much in the way of a purge.

Im not going do rehash the thrall argument. I understand why its being done and to be 100% honest. I think it is a very creative and exciting approach.

But this exciting and new approach should be rolled in waves in order to balance the radical nature of said change.

People do need to rebuild. My pets all have 1000 hp. My thralls vary.

I imagine PVP is somewhat worse as they have more than the purge to worry about.

Again. I like the concept. But my lone character cant manage a purge. Thralls have always outclassed player characters.

It is possibleā€¦but watch out with ā€œThe Dregsā€ boss if you take a warrior with you because the acid poolā€¦and you can always change damage settings if you find it too hard. But I did it with vanilla options and alone (even without thrall support), it just take more time, resources and caution to clear bosses/dungeons.

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