I'd like to take a moment to honor this:

Kannst ja die purge zu ihm pullen, FC scheint kein Problem damit zu haben. :unamused:

Day 3. Wall still stands. Got the “we will investigate” response 2 days ago.

Rip that base. I’ve moved. I have escaped my sandstone prison!

If they were truly dedicated, they would have used T3 to construct The Great Wall of Saltiness


The Alt account made hours prior must not appear to be associated with established clans, of course! Level 10 wouldn’t have T3 yet okay :joy::joy:

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Captain Salty needs to level up angrily to properly finish that wall


How many months will it take for Funcom to remove it?


About the same time it takes to properly fix a bug

This, alas, is why Funcom’s “ban the whole clan” strategy is so insanely stupid.

The theory that if one person in a clan does something dumb, everyone in the clan must be at fault, so the whole clan must get a ban.

What really happens? This. The clan sends an un-clanned decoy, and nothing happens to the main clan. :man_shrugging:

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… Wouldn’t stayed lvl 10 after harvesting 200k stones and 20k wood.
… Couldn’t harvest these materials on hours just with stone or iron hatchets and hardworking perk that’s granted on lvl 15.
… Couldn’t carry all these materials without beast of burden that’s profoundly on lvl 20.
So these materials already existed there hidden in an outpost of the one with the alt.
That’s enough for Zendesk and costumer service to understand that it’s an alt and this is an intentional hit. Their ban should be instant without further investigation.


On a related note, it appears there may be a market in the bazaar for a salt build set.

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that’s only if FAILDESK thinks its his wall and ban him as well :joy: which has happened to numerous players in the past who have reported such things around their base :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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This is like the secondary reason that I moved base within like 2 days lol… I would be livid!!

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Contemplate this on the tree of woe.


This is nothing… some time back before AoS and server transfers, @Marylambs and I witnessed a span of walls and foundations that extended from the Dagon’s Eye obelisk to the shores north of the witch queen dungeon. When we decided to investigate (naked mind you, to avoid being trapped), we found the wall (reaching from the shore line to cliffs above—maybe 30+ walls high) encircled a tiny shack. Not sure who the tiny shack belonged to as there was no name on it. They likely pissed off the player that built the wall, but not sure why or how with such a modest shack. Not only was the wall obnoxiously high, it was jaggedly built and lined with fences everywhere you might be able to climb, purposely to piss someone off that thought they might be able to get out. The clan that built it was called Sandstone Queens… yeah… they were dedicated. :sunglasses:

And this is why I will never play on a PVE or PVE-C server

“We hope the issue has resolved on its own.” :rofl:



I had exactly the same thought :smiley:

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