I'd like to take a moment to honor this:

I’ll take your great wall of saltiness and double it :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Behold the hole north of sepemeru to the mountains separating it from the mounds great wall in of saltiness that I briefly talked about already :

All of this was built over night :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:


This is why I will never play on an official server. :rofl:

This is why people like me asked for official server moderation. It was supposed to protect us from raging asshats like these. And instead, we got a Kafkaesque, Byzantine dumpster fire that we have right now.


Oh I am right there with you. If Officials had proper moderation I would have no issue playing on them.


I think the biggest insult is the Mitra alter. Such Blasphemy!


I feel like there needs to be a collection somewhere of these walls :joy::joy::joy:

A wall of shame…of walls , if you will :skull:


You just made me feel noob again. So happy to see you again @Kanza1. I remember @CodeMage saying that he was preparing everything in a small shack and when he was ready he was building on a day his base to make people wonder when did this happen? I am pretty sure even you CodeMage feel β€œsmall” right now in front of this monstrous dedication :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Omg, some people love to troll… A lot!!!

I love your reaction towards such disrespectfull act.

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