hi funcom can you add capes to the game? only if it’s a good idea and doesn’t affect the game. klael wears one in the city without a name i like it. bugs: pve game and the aquilonian dlc the heavy armor helmet the visual crest of the helmet is not visible. dlc argos light armor pants visual bug. I really like the game. I like to feel special, unique and powerful. Who does not? more skills and power to defeat my enemies of course with their strengths and weaknesses. Naval Battles – Slave Archers can be placed in the ship’s crew as needed to gather large amounts of supplies and defend the ship. That the ships need maintenance slaves are difficult to find and only legendary so that the ship’s wood does not rot and the number of ships is reduced or that it has a limit of ships per player would be very good. on playstation i know it’s hard and it takes a lot. both economic and work but in the end they are just ideas nothing is mandatory. It’s still one of my favorite games.
Welcome to the Forum. The team won’t be back till Monday. I like the idea of cloaks. From what I have read as much as players might want ships or boats don’t think it is feasible do to o game mechanics . Glad to have you here. Plenty good people here with good information have made friends on this Forum. @Will1
You already have this in the game since lunch! Especially now with the new perk system we are at least 40% more fast and efficient than before! All you have to do is master as much as weapons you can and learn the combos of each boss. Every combo has a weakness, a “window” that gives you the option either to heal, either to apply a full combo attack!
Try this! I suppose you are already lvl 60. Fix a crapp light armor, or go out naked and take with you and axe a mace, daggers, a hammer, a 2h sword, a torch and a set of tools! Alone without a thrall. Try to kill all the bosses that gives you the keystone alone with this equipment. The gear that you will take with you should be strong (except the armor) and replace able. Place at least 3 in strength and 4 in agility and make sure you are never over 50% encumbered!
Or do this challenge
We are special my friend, we have always been
I attach my psn user there are the tests and images of the game and what things I do playing. I can not send the images because I am new. Hendrix578-red if you’re curious. in siptah on the map there is an asterisk drawn on the sea when you teleport there right in the center of the asterisk in that area under the map there is a viking ship. xd
On the building aspect you rock . This topic after a week of silent it will be closed, it is a standard precidure, you better gather your library and upload your buildings here
This way they will stay alive forever and everybody on the forum will see. Feel free to scroll this page on a Sunday morning coffee, you can’t imagine how much inspiration you’ll gain.
My fellow exile @Will1, I am one of the veterans who keeps repeating two things here.
- Because you are new on the forum, doesn’t mean you are new in the game. The persons who teached me the greatest secrets of the game years ago, never joined the forum.
- There are no noobs in this game, you cannot imagine how many new things a new player may teach you.
We all find a playstyle that suit us and keep progressing all the time with it. Sometimes, if someone will destroy a spawn area that we farm we get pissed! I know a lot of players that can be lvl 60 fast, or build tier 3 second day, but still have huge gaps of knowledge about this game. I have a friend that he was following in every single server I was playing, not to join my clan, just to play on the same server…
Well, I am a pain I must say, the past years the servers I participated was more than a hundred in each aspect of the game, but always pve style no matter if I was playing in pvp servers. This friend learned the existence of wine cellar dungeon 3 weeks ago, why?
Because he never ask!!!
Feel free to ask anything, it’s not a shame you know, ofcurce you have a playstyle, ofcurce you are strong, but it’s not enough! We are all still learning here, including me ofcurce.
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