Include some protection against clan invite spams that can lead to losing everything you own outside personal inventory

So I got to try to this game through PS Plus on my console.

As the subject line suggests I lost everything because there were these couple of guys following me around spamming emotes and clan invites to me. I declined the first time but accidentally accepted the second time while I was trying to emote back.

I didn’t think it was a big deal and left a clan eventually. I couldn’t immediately find the leave button.

When I left, I found that I was trapped inside my “home”. It belonged to the clan and I only had a few things on my character. Even my weapon was inside the blacksmith because I was repairing it. Anyway, my T2 home was absorbed into the clan and I have uninstalled the game on my PS4 since.

Shouldn’t there be some kind of warning/safeguard against these types of situations? I’m not sure if the two guys had ill intentions or not, there’s no way to tell at this point, but I’m sure people do abuse this.

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Unfortunately buddy all your stuff is gone due to the game being set up this way. In order to get all your stuff back you have to rejoin the clan and then have them make you the leader but that means they would lose all there stuff as well. All in all you stuff is basically gone forever. Always start a clan with your stuff that way at least you don’t have to worry about people spamming you to make you fall into that trap.

Yeah that would be nice. Of all the things wrong with the game, losing everything you’ve built, to those with ill-intentions to boot, is the worst thing that could happen to you. I’d rather have a corrupted save file really, rather than walking around with my levels still intact but the reminder of what happened (former home & thralls) also remaining intact.

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