Infinite Loading Loop

Some of us use epic games, which means the mods download via Conan itself and take quite a while. Its not practical. We can manually download from steam, but that doesn’t work either.

Well the epic games friendly version would be to manage your mods manually using steamcmd.
So pick a folder… use steamCMD to download your mods to that, set your modlist.txt to point to those, then just check before playing if any of the mods had an update (subscribe to them with your random steam account so you can see them all in a list on the webpage), if yes, delete the physical file of that mod only and redownload it with steamcmd. At least that’s what I would do if I had the epic version.

Just tried this, it did not work. Still ‘wrong version’ error.

If you think you did everything perfectly…
You downloaded all the mods that the server uses…
Put them in the correct order on the modlist…
and you’re still getting a mismatch error, then the server is simply not updated and most likely one of the mods had an update since the server has been started (if it’s using PEB by Multigun, that got an update just yesterday for example)

WTF is going on??? How is that the game is so broken?? I’m having the same problem!

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This does need to be fixed with a bit more urgency honestly. It really is quite bad.

I thought about rebuying the game on steam, but I have all the DLC on my epic account that will be hard to replace as it costs $200 on steam.

Please fix this mod detection issue.


When is this gonna be fixed, it makes your game borderline unplayable


It worked fine before 3.0, so I wonder what even changed there to cause it?


It doesn’t work for me even with this “workaround”, I’ve tried everything suggested here and can’t get out of this infinite loop. Since 3! Weeks! I can not log on to my own server, for which I pay money every month! I am really completely annoyed and sick of it, this is really no state. I’m about to uninstall the game and cancel the server.

If you indeed tried all of these and you still can’t get in, then it’s your server that doesn’t have every mod updated…

You need to understand that the automated systems for updating mods are broken… yes… but they can be updated manually just fine, if the server indeed has all mods updated… and your client also has all mods updated, you will be able to log in just fine… else nobody could play on modded servers atm… which is not the case.

I get that it’s frustrating and it would be nice if it was fixed so people could go back to relying on the automated updates, it’s not that complicated though to update them manually making this a very minor inconvenience at most and not the “gamebreaking bug” some are making it out to be.

And yes… the more mods you use the more problems you’re going to have, since you will have updates more frequently… If you’re trying to run a modded server then it is almost a requirement to monitor the workshop page of all mods you use daily to see if any of them have updates…
Mods are not an official part of the game, they are custom modifications made by random people that you apply to your game at your own risk… modding always had the prerequisite of some level of technical knowledge or at the very least patience.

I restartet my Server 5 Minutes before I did all these steps. My Mods at the Server are sure actual.

Step 1: I unsubscribed all Mods
Step 2: I deletet the “Servermodlist.txt.” - a “Modlist.txt” I don´t have, because I don´t have Mods für Singleplayer etc. installed
Step 3: I deletet the Mod Folder in the “Workshop” Directory
Step 4: I verified the Data of CE via Steam
Step 5: I restartet my PC
Step 6: I restarted my Server (g-portal) to make shure the mods are up to Date
Step 7: I started CE, connect to my Server an load the mods via my Server down
Step 8: I click on “connect”.

Finally Step: I´m in the Loop…

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Yes and that’s when you as a modded server admin should start the troubleshooting process and start asking yourself questions…

Whether my server REALLY updated mods just from restarting? If the client doesn’t, maybe the server doesn’t either.

Have you downloaded the physical mod files from your server and compared by content to the files you have to see if they really match?

Why do you think mod authors have beep putting direct download links on their workshop pages aimed at server admins?

Etc. You see what I’m getting at? If you really want to have your own server then you might have to put in a bit more work, since you’re gonna be the one your players go to for help primarily.

Bottom line… try to make really sure that those files indeed match and you should be good

“Have you downloaded the physical mod files from your server and compared by content to the files you have to see if they really match?”

After these steps I have only the data that was downloaded from the server and no other data.

The “last updated” date of my mods displayed by the server matches 1 to 1 with the “last updated” date on the workshop pages. Also, I am on the respective discords of the modders. so yes: I am sure to have the latest versions.

I don’t just run my server since yesterday. :wink:

But thanks that you are trying to help me.

Steam is just as bad. No point buying a second copy.

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I have escaped the loop and I dont have to unsub every mod and resub and download them each time I want to play now. Here is what I am doing.

Before I try to play the game, I go to the servermodlist file, select all copy.
I open the modlist file select all and paste.

No loop. And here the thing, the modlist file may look like it didnt change. But doing this prevents the loop. I cant give an answer to why, but it works.

When a mod updates, I go just to the mods that have updated, unsub, resub. And then I do the steps above. Copy the servermodlist and past it into the modlist file.

Some how, the modlist seems to be getting overridden by something every time you launch the game. Thus the endless loop.

Hopefully this will help some people

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I have now also tried this, unfortunately without success.

Doing these. No dice. Funcom, FIX THIS.

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I managed to fix it, but I have to download all my mods when one is updated. Basically, it will list the mods as ‘wrong version’ if even one is out of date OR if the modlist.txt does not properly point to ALL the mods.

That interface always lists all of your mods, it will never tell you exactly which one is the problematic, but it’s enough to fix just the one.

Unsubscribed all, re-added all, deleted files, force-checked server for updates, server’s up to date. Modlist matched Server’s, STILL GET THE ■■■■■■■ MOD CHECK LOOP.

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