I’d love to get an update myself. I rent a server and have 12 mods on it. One of my players gets the mod mismatch loop. It just so happens to be my wife. I’ve followed every single suggestion here to no avail. I’m not sure what the problem is, but she’s the only one who can’t connect. List of steps taken:
1.) Unsubscribe from all mods.
2.) Delete modlist.txt and servermodlist.txt.
3.) Deleted the 440900 folder.
4.) Updated the mods on the server, then forced a second update.
5.) Tried to log into the server and download the mods.
6.) Restarted the game.
7.) Still looping.
8.) Repeated steps 1-4.
9.) Uninstalled Conan Exiles.
10.) Uninstalled Steam.
11.) Re-installed Steam.
12.) Re-installed Conan Exiles.
13.) Repeated steps 5-7.
EDIT: Forgot to list that I’ve ran Verifly Local Files after step 3 each time and tried running Conan as a regular user and as an Administrator. :EDIT OVER
This has been going on over the past week or so. EDIT2: Actually since 10/06/2022. :EDIT2 OVER Yes, some mods have been updated in that time. Yes, I’ve continued trying to no avail. It seems that my last option is to install a fresh copy of Windows and re-install everything from scratch, but this isn’t an acceptable solution every time a mod updates. I can’t honestly try to invite anyone to my sever or recommend this game if they aren’t able to connect reliably. What have I missed, if anything?
EDIT4: Well, it just struck me as well and honestly I’m about sick and tired of it. If it’s on Steam’s end, maybe Funcom should start exerting pressure on them. If it’s on Funcom’s end, I highly suggest keeping your player base in the loop. At this point, I really don’t know whose fault it is, but maybe I should bill Funcom or Steam for my server rental. I mean, maybe we all should as you’re using your player base as a volunteer help desk. :EDIT4 OVER
EDIT5: 10/14/2022 1851 hrs PST. Well, well, well, guess what? Steam just pushed an update to both of our systems. We can both play. I’m going to go over to Valve and see what they have to say; if anything. Issue resolved. :EDIT5 OVER
EDIT6: As expected, it’s not Valve’s fault or responsibility. So we as the players have no recourse other than to decide if we should continue paying for unreliable software/services. With Blizzard, I could submit a ticket back in the old days that would at least get a response. It seems that in the race to garner the most money for the shareholders, any thought of actual customer service has been deemed unprofitable. I urge you all to take a hard look at what you’re paying for and accept and ask yourself if it’s worth it. :EDIT6 OVER