Infinite Loading Loop

What fixed it for me on two computers is the following:

  1. Unsubscribe all Mods through Steam
  2. Open a CMD as Administrator (and even if your account has administrative rights, click “Run as administrator”
  3. Run the game through ( !!! Change the path !!! )

“X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandbox_BE.exe” -nosplash -BattlEye %command%

  1. Connect to the server you want an let the game downloadthe mods
  2. Click on “Connect” this will cause the game to restart
  3. After restart it will automatically try to connect you to the server… this will take way longer as you would expect but after a while (up to 5 minutes) it switches to the loading screen and get me into the game.

Hope this helps someone.

Regardless of the proposed solutions being a pain to do, none of them really work for me.
This bug is about to kill my server. My members are leaving Conan for other games. And my server will probably shut down forever. I don’t know if I’m the only one in this case, but I hope the problem will be fixed soon.
If you could give us positive feedback on the progress of your research @Community, I might have something to remobilize my impatient troops.


II have my server with a really extreme effort but only once to get back up and running.

1: CE uninstalled
2: Deleted folder in Steam from CE
3: Completely deleted the Workshop folder
4: Deleted ALL mods on my server and restarted it vanilla.
5: Added a mod, restarted server. Then reinstalled CE, installed the mod from the server. Started game. I was able to get on it without loop.
6: Finished the game
7: Added the second mod, then did the same steps as in point 5.

And this is how I did it mod by mod. There were some, but then the server has refused to start, WHILE he previously ran with all. But maybe there were conflicts somewhere that led to the loop. These mods then logically not installed.

Currently, I am after 3 days of work (of course not non stop) arrived at mod No. 29 and the server runs and I also have no more loop. I’m curious how it behaves when there now one brings out an update…

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I have tried a few of these things (to delete the folders, verify game, and then try again) with no luck. The thing is, I have a friend on the same server and I’m the only one with an issue, so I know the mods on the server are updated…

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I’ve tried all the ‘fixes’ listed in this thread. I’ve been able to get onto my server a few times since the 3.0 but continue to get the infinite loop back after some time. The thing is not any one fix seems to work. I just keep ending up back at the loop issue. This is incredibly frustrating.

Have the same issue, even with the current listed ‘fixes’. It’s all just a temporary band-aid and the issue persists once more. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. The modding community is a major reason why some players stick around.

Have done this, but the issue crops up again.

This has not resolved the issue for the people in this thread. Can we get an update on a fix for this. It’s been an issue for over a month now.


Still an issue 35 days since patch and 28 days since last response

Never give up !! . Good luck ! :stuck_out_tongue:

My players get this when I have a mod update for my server and haven’t rebooted the server or their client didn’t update.

I have one player that has done EVERYTHING to get it to work and he has only been able to log in a few days over the last 30+ after patch 3.0. He mostly gets the fatal error crash.

This patch has been the MOST troublesome.

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Greetings Exiles,

Thank you all for reaching out. Thanks to a very resilient and awesome team member we were finally able to reproduce this issue internally and we are now investigating a solution for it.

We regret it taking so long but now we have a good case to start the work! Apologies for all the trouble and thank you all for your support!


Hey @Caroll . i have a question about your team members . i would just like to know if hugo is still part of your company. on his profile it is written that he is inactive. what does that mean exactly?

I’m just a little curious :stuck_out_tongue:

We are so happy… last night 3 of us were playing on a private server, first my wife got stuck in the infinate loop and couldnt get it going even after remove / re subscribe mods. had to call it a night when she uninstalled and reinstalled game…

next was me, it started acting weird (wouldnt let me craft certain items) so I quit steam and restarted only to be told I had to reinstall game. I selected reinstall, it check previous insall files then alowed me to start game. I was then stuck in the infinate loop… Double joy; anyway while I was removing and reinstalling conan the third person (server owner) got kicked out and stuck in the loop.

Cant tell you how happy we all were lol, anyway the timing of when it all started was literally just before Mayra posted they have managed to recreate the issue… Timing seems rather odd and how it affected us all at the same time suspicious we can only hope the devs have dropped a repair squirrel in the system and they find the magic nut that causing all our issues.

As for testing, we cant test our side until the server is back up & running (we let the poor thing get some sleep, it works so hard and I think we called it bad names, hurt its feelings)

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It also could be that one of the many mod authors updated one of their mods that you use :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean… there is a month long thread with many people experiencing the same problem but you’re right. Maybe unsub and resub for the 1000th time might be the fix.


Yea I know, if you look I tried to help as much as I could.

However it’s been explained to oblivion at this point… yes there is an issue that needs correcting on Funcom’s side, but it’s just a minor inconvenience and I’m sorry to say but anyone who didn’t manage to get in and play on modded servers, it’s just down to user error…

It’s like getting stuck on an escalator in a mall when the stairs stop moving… the automated system broke… the manual matching of mods and making sure you check whether there are updates every time still works… and that’s what me and a lot of others tried helping with - we never said there isn’t an issue. A lot of people did not have the patience for that though and preferred to just complain or brute force it instead of trying to understand… which is fair enough I guess…

And no, it wasn’t just about mindless unsubbing… everyone who was open-minded enough to realize that the mismatch happens at every single mod update simply took initiative and checked which of their mods got an update… This issue is most pressing on users that run a huge amount of mods since the more you have the higher the chance one of the authors does an update - but if you want to be that advanced about modding, you can really check a list daily to see what changed.

As you can see above even the most stubborn cases got solved, but people think it’s a permanent solution and the next time one of their 50+ mods gets updated they get the same thing and then they’re shocked… it was just a workaround all along and yes, we’re waiting on the Funcom fix for the automated system - which will make all of this more convenient once more :slight_smile:


Ok so we all have it working. recent update has stopped the infinite loop but throws up mod mismatch. The fix for that we did is unsubscribe everything and then reinstall OR load without mods - it now prompts to download the mods required. Next it reloads the game and spits out the squirrel…

May it rest in peace. hopefully it doesn’t re-spawn

Would love another update on this getting fixed.

I’d love to get an update myself. I rent a server and have 12 mods on it. One of my players gets the mod mismatch loop. It just so happens to be my wife. I’ve followed every single suggestion here to no avail. I’m not sure what the problem is, but she’s the only one who can’t connect. List of steps taken:

1.) Unsubscribe from all mods.
2.) Delete modlist.txt and servermodlist.txt.
3.) Deleted the 440900 folder.
4.) Updated the mods on the server, then forced a second update.
5.) Tried to log into the server and download the mods.
6.) Restarted the game.
7.) Still looping.
8.) Repeated steps 1-4.
9.) Uninstalled Conan Exiles.
10.) Uninstalled Steam.
11.) Re-installed Steam.
12.) Re-installed Conan Exiles.
13.) Repeated steps 5-7.

EDIT: Forgot to list that I’ve ran Verifly Local Files after step 3 each time and tried running Conan as a regular user and as an Administrator. :EDIT OVER

This has been going on over the past week or so. EDIT2: Actually since 10/06/2022. :EDIT2 OVER Yes, some mods have been updated in that time. Yes, I’ve continued trying to no avail. It seems that my last option is to install a fresh copy of Windows and re-install everything from scratch, but this isn’t an acceptable solution every time a mod updates. I can’t honestly try to invite anyone to my sever or recommend this game if they aren’t able to connect reliably. What have I missed, if anything?

EDIT4: Well, it just struck me as well and honestly I’m about sick and tired of it. If it’s on Steam’s end, maybe Funcom should start exerting pressure on them. If it’s on Funcom’s end, I highly suggest keeping your player base in the loop. At this point, I really don’t know whose fault it is, but maybe I should bill Funcom or Steam for my server rental. I mean, maybe we all should as you’re using your player base as a volunteer help desk. :EDIT4 OVER

EDIT5: 10/14/2022 1851 hrs PST. Well, well, well, guess what? Steam just pushed an update to both of our systems. We can both play. I’m going to go over to Valve and see what they have to say; if anything. Issue resolved. :EDIT5 OVER

EDIT6: As expected, it’s not Valve’s fault or responsibility. So we as the players have no recourse other than to decide if we should continue paying for unreliable software/services. With Blizzard, I could submit a ticket back in the old days that would at least get a response. It seems that in the race to garner the most money for the shareholders, any thought of actual customer service has been deemed unprofitable. I urge you all to take a hard look at what you’re paying for and accept and ask yourself if it’s worth it. :EDIT6 OVER

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