Is the Kiln back to being the best furnace? It has the most slots - even over heat and fuel efficient tier 3 versions. According to the wiki, it enhances both fuel duration and crafting speed by a moderate amount comparatively. For some reason I though the normal improved furnace had some benefit over the kiln, or at one point did. Have these numbers changed recently? Seems like there is no down side to the kiln again. 60 slots is a huge ++
The answer depends on how much time and space you have, I guess.
In a larger base, heat efficient is the best choice imo, you probably wind up saving fuel as it finishes so fast. Heat efficient with a T3 thrall will beat a kiln with a T4Purge thrall. And coal isn’t difficult to acquire.
In a smaller base, Kiln may be a better choice just because of its tiny footprint.
Comparatively - I’m just really surprised the Kiln has numbers as good as it does. But you’re right the Heat Efficient is probably what I’m going to upgrade to at my quarry and replace my Improved Furances with Kilns again - at one point the improved Kiln was better. I’m guessing that Firespark had convinced at some point of this.
The fuel efficient is in fact the most fuel efficient; can test it with equal loads of rock or fuel BUT often that isnt what matters. What usually matters is patience to build your dream base (be it dream pvp or pve base) and in that case, heat efficient all the way. You can build multiple kilns and parallelize but you can also build multiple heat efficient if size is not a factor. Size is the only time kiln wins but even then, you can check how fast 4 kilns bake brick vs a heat efficient (with 4 thralls).
I only use the fuel efficient. The less I have to farm for stuf, the better.
I consider the kiln the most balanced of the furnaces.
on my main base, however, i use one of each tier three furnaces depending if i need something quick or can let it run while offline.
It depends on your situation:
If I’m building a small, hidden base, then I would use the Kiln; its got good balance and doesn’t take up alot of space.
If I’m building a large base near good resources, then I’d use Heat Efficient (speed is also important for single player mode).
If I’m building a large base away from good resources, then I’d use Fuel Efficient (less farming distant locations).
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