Is the Perk RNG really as intended?

I did not know that. I know it might be a lot of effort, but could you perhaps point out which named fighters that can’t use bows, so I can avoid thralling them while the perk RNG is bugged?

Better avoid them for now…I only hope that they will fix the RNG for perks soon

I do think that it was a thing even before the last update, but I can’t really say for certain. And post-patch… that’s the thing, I suspect that it doesn’t depend on name of T4, and something varies between instances of same T4s as they’re spawned (just like with one-hander - two identically named fighters found in same spawn point were different in that one could use it and one couldn’t). With bows, post-patch, I had, I think, a Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker fighter refusing to use bows (which was a pity, I tried to use him as such precisely because he leveled into an archer stat- and perk-wise).

I created a Post in Bug Reporting that mentions the Berzerker, he ends up with the Archer Base Health and HP per point of Vitality. I’m pretty sure that is a mistake. Beastmaster Tamos has a quirk as well, and the Darfari Archer stays are way off (there is only 1 non-Purge archer so I’m not sure if that is a Class problem or Character problem).

I haven’t seen any other specific Thralls that have stats outside their Class (at least not the stats we can actually measure), but if anyone else knows of one please update that post or this one, or send me a message and I’ll add them as a specific problem.

I haven’t really collected much data on Dancers or Bearers, nor on any Purge thralls, as my main concern right now is getting guards for my base, but I may look into them in the future.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure that any deployable thrall can use any weapon. There is a bug where switching weapon types (1H to 2H) causes them to sometimes bug out and not use it. Probably the same thing with bows, but I only really notice it when I try to switch my fighter’s 2H weapon for a truncheon.

There are a bunch of work-arounds that may or may not get them to use the weapon, I haven’t found a single one that works every time, but if you put the weapon on them and wait for server reset they should be ok.

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Thanks for the trick - I definitely will try with bow and server reset, would be great if it works. :slight_smile:

No problem, let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll give you a few other tricks that work sometimes, like placing the weapon on the thrall’s head instead of in their weapon slot, but reset is the most reliable.

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