It's Nerf or Nothing


[quote=“CodeMage, post:7, topic:141273”]
They shouldn’t have introduced Lifeblood Spear or the healing water skin in the first place, not the way they were.
[/quote] And therein lies the problem. Give the children the good candy, then ■■■■■■ it back. FC would be a lousy parent IMO. Lol they filtered the word sna tch…lmao


What about the group who were invited to test Siptah before it released? Was this a political or genuine best for business decision?

In my workplace they choose test groups from a political standpoint - they only want positive feedback & intentionally omit those that will be critical. But my workplace has a bottomless bucket of money and have no care for, or negative consequences from client dissatisfaction and poor decision making.

I for one am sick of the changes. Some I agree with but others are just people pleasing for a small select group. There are no special items worth grinding for anymore. Everything eventually becomes vanilla. Why bother with different weapon names when it’s no different from all the others or not unique? May as well have one of each weapon type and leave it at that.

:rofl: Now it is not OP for sure!

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Why would anyone grind for t his now and it is a grind, they just made it so its now a why bother item and there are many of those in this game now. The grind is not worst the end and that make it frustrating to spend your time on grinding then get something that why bother getting in first place as it will become something you mount on a wall or throw in a box some where and forget about and just walk around that boss as why bother , its a waste of your time unless you just have hours to grind for no reason. Shame they never say they are doing this either, its a secret hidden in a fix that is not a fix lol.

For me no biggie , do not have to farm boss for a drop that is now not worth farming. Feels bad for those that spent hours and hours farming that boss for this and now its worthless. Newbie wraps give better heals and no boss to fight to get them.

I wouldn’t call the item worthless. It still has its uses but it is just not as good for in-combat healing.

No, i’d call it a sealed waterskin.

Rumor is it stops bleeds. Haven’t tested that myself yet, though.

I really fought the new healing system at first, but I like it now. It forced me to respec and push my vitality to the roof, but it has taught me to play smarter, and focus more on armor capabilities vs going toe to toe naked against a 3 skull boss because I can spam heals and win.


I simply don’t like locked animations, its dumb. The rest is acceptable. I remember testing the dumbest ways of defeating the Kinscourge and it ended up being naked + shield + healspam, with one hand. I would spam attack until low hp, put my shield up and eat food, didn’t even need both hands or armor. This new healing solves this issue, but takes it a little too far.

worth mentioning that bosses need more guard breaks.


Agreed, you should be able to break out of the animation if needed.



I like the new healing system, but animation breaking with ANY movement action (run, jump, emote etc.) would be a nice addition to it.

About the bosses: it’s funny that a ~100 tons pure muscle and anger dragon doing a tail swipe can be blocked by a 60-80 kg. character and his bone shield. :rofl:


All it shows is, that there are way to many people having ideas and adding them to CE.

It fits that perfectly: “too many cooks spoil the broth”

FCs makes new healing system - 1 item completely destroys it.

Back then, when heavy armor finally had advantages compared to light armor -> worldbreaker and Annihalitor gets into the game, which by-pass ALL ARMOR

Or: We bring leveling to thralls and lvl20 thralls are way stronger than legacy thralls -> PvP turns into thrall slaughter fest, as they make way to much dmg -> lvl20 thralls are now the same (or worse) than pre-leveling thralls

Or: Thralls get idle sounds - no one at Funcom ever tested a fully equiped base with thralls, because the idle sounds turned it into an “orgy”…

Like, srsly W-T-F?!?!

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Damn, that was hilarious. I didn’t read the patch notes carefully – I don’t remember if it even was in the patch notes – and I logged into my base and kept hearing coughing sounds. Took me a bit to realize it was my thalls :smiley:


Because the PvEers are not forum whiners.

Are we reading the same forums? :thinking:

There’s plenty of “whining” on both sides, ranging from legitimate problems to temper tantrums and poop slinging.

That last goes double for people playing one playstyle – whether PVE or PVP – and flinging poop at the other side :stuck_out_tongue:


Why does this “poop flinging” remind me to apes? 🤷🏻

Well many nerfs are primaly made because of PvP reasons… Like thrall nerf and in the same time boss health nerf, to make it up for PvE content. Made a UC run this weekend, nothing seems slower with a lvl14 thrall.

Same with some weapon “re-balancing”. I understand why they are made and many PvEers not and then they “start throwing poop”.
BUT: I still dont like many of this nerfs :wink: (like my Lying bastard sword :sob: )

I still don’t like that Funcom slowed down the heavy chain for spears despite saying on stream “we only touched the light animations of the spear!”

I was so mad that they were lying…

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i didn’t understand lying bastard nerf too =\

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No one did… Even the response I got from Funcom was: “it was made, because 2h weapons got re-balanced”.

Its not a normal 2h weapon. Its more or less a 1h-axe :smiley:

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