It's time!1231321

It’s time Yellow Lotus, Aloe leaves and star metal ore gets a stack size increase.

100 for aloe and star metal ore is way too low and 20 for yellow lotus flowers is even worse.


I can understand why star metal ores should be stacking in 100. The user must leave some for the other players too.
Believe it or not, even in aloe i don’t really have an issue, because i play a lot with the option to carry 100 leaves and create only the potions i need in the way. It helps me a lot in this playstyle to control my weight.
But 20 lotus MUST change.
I have tried many play styles and in none i find reason to stack at 20 :man_shrugging:.

Ps. @Katniss sorry for the off topic, but it would be nice to have the ghost of weak aloe extract back too.

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I completely agree with you both on this, and have brought it up myself in the past. Yellow is the only lotus type to have this small stack size, the rest are at 1000. Yellow lotus is available everywhere and is hardly overpowered. The stack size should be increased.

Sorry to change lanes a little @Katniss, but as while we are dicussing stack sizes can we please also increase the stack size for ‘???’ artifacts, especially Lesser ones which also only stack at 20? And could we please consider giving them a name too…?


Oh definitely the “lesser ???” needs a stack size increase too


They could stack to a total 1000. You stack 20 greaters that’s 1000 , you stack 10 shining that’s 1000, so the lesser could stack to 1000 and the other on 500.

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