Iv tried i really tried

I am done with this game waste of money. All the official server are buggy and with lots and lots of lags. Iv tried so many server and they all the same with the different bugs this is a shame to sell this unfinished product to us.


My advice, don’t ever buy any game again because you will be facing bugs that will make you quite and cry on the forums about.

That’s not really fair, CE has tons of bugs, and for a lot of people who’d otherwise like the game, it might drive them away. The ones left are the ones who’d absolutely love it without the bugs, and tolerate them for the sake of an otherwise great game. I’m in the latter category, I’m assuming you are too, but come on.

Let’s please not pretend this game is without issues, that’s not doing anyone any favors. It might be nice to pretend, but it’s a lie. The severity of the bugs people experience on a regular basis are IMO above what you’d expect in a game that has gone through a very lengthy EA phase and is now ~6 months past official release.

Case in point: The recent-ish and still on-going fact that bases are getting destroyed on PVE and PVE-C servers, something that should be straight-up impossible. And we’re not talking hacking or anything sophisticated here, just using the game client in an unintended fashion. Edit: This particular exploit has been patched. Though I maintain it shouldn’t have been possible in the first place this late in the game’s life.


I read about all these supposed game breaking bugs that are preventing folks from playing… Looks at my server … that has not been wiped in 2 months…and still has a growing community… new people join every day… And I wonder what game you are playing… and what game my community is playing. Quick note currently no mods on my server. Just some special server settings and an active admin team.

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Yeah, no, nice strawman but no. I didn’t say anything about gamebreaking… or about anything preventing people from playing - just about bugs that make people not want to play. Which is different.

Sigh. If only it was possible to acknowledge the issues without people jumping to the defense of the game like someone said something about their mother.


I’m a PS4 user, and playing this “crap” since day 1
Since, facking day 1.
Even my Day 1 prize was bugged (Atlantean sword that I saw only a couple of months later) and nowadays game is still lagghy and bugghy.
That is a fact.
I love the artistic part of the game, I play solo offline (Jeezus I only imagine how could it be for me online…) but still have (and had maaany) issues that are simply not acceptable for a full game price.
If you buy a car you expect it to work properly and if the steering does not work you MUST complain (you paid it full remember).
Now, I still play sometimes waiting to some utopistic major patch that makes game valid in all senses, until then critics are legit, even if I like the game.

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Patched if you didnt notice…

Link to hotfix


Yeah, I hadn’t seen that when I wrote my comment. It was of course just an example of something that should have never been possible in the first place using only the game client, but fair’s fair: it’s fixed, great job!

Hopefully it’s fixed for good. One does have to wonder how they managed to hotfix it only after the exploit gained widespread notoriety (for the record I did not / do not approve of it being shared), but I guess it must be just a coincidence.

Ps4 first week on my private server no bugs just friends working fine better than official first time I have done this

I disagree completely. There is a difference between a game with a couple bugs and buggy game. Conan is the latter (at least on the PS4). Before Conan, I had almost 500 hours in Monster Hunter World. That game by far is my game of the year. It was balanced and the fights were fun. If I died in Monster Hunter World, it was because I screwed up. After I quit Conan I started playing God of War with even tighter and more refined fighting mechanics than Monster Hunter. In Conan, I felt like I was fighting the game more than the creatures in it and where a PVP match-up is all based on luck (worse than For Honor on release.)

Loaded up Conan after a break from the last time I tried playing it. I originally quit because in single player I kept losing progress and losing ownership of my buildings. In multiplayer the rubber banding and warping made the game unplayable for me. Loaded it up last night to see if it had gotten any better. Run to New Asgarth and start fighting a mob which immediately splits into 4 mobs??? I dodged only to warp 10 feet right in the middle of them. The best part is when you kill them they do that T-pose before crumpling the ground. Logged off after that. All in all, I have about 70 hours in Conan Exiles, but most of those hours were fighting rocks and trees which was boring as hell for me.

If you think this game is finished, I implore you to fight the Boss Crocodile in Conan and then fight a Great Jagras in Monster Hunter World and you will see what an unfinished, unpolished crap show Conan really is.

I will probably check back in a month or two to see if the game is actually playable, but I predict they are going to release a buggy pet system with a buggy feeding system.

They really should of called it Conan: Rock Mining Simulator.

Unfortunatly there are very extremely few games modern once with lack of bugs in them. I’m not sure there are any. This is a young game too I think. Best you can do is have a good comp wiht the recommended settings.

I think the OP talking about Rubber banding. (It happens to me and to all of my friends in all servers, so they also left)
There was a big topic about it, I think people said it has to do with the game code, and its not possible to fix.
You guys dont see mobs teleport nor having stutters?

Not on my end on PC as mobs don`t teleport on me.

I think it has more to do with the connection than pc quality, anyway both maxed here (200mb up/down, gtx1080) so its not that. on solo everything work perfect. once you go online you start having this issue, and not all the time, mostly on raid hours as i notice.

I agree, when my connection is solid I have no problem, when its laggy I rubberband. I don’t think its the game causing it for me, but even if it is I don’t find it game breaking or even that big of a deal really.

On the Steam forums back in the past was a post of someone who wrote to a server hoster and asked to increase the RAM on the server due to crashes when RAM peaked out. Answer was something like: “Conan is running on 3GB RAM on our servers because this is what our internal testing resulted in. Due to FUNCOM’s recent patch there are problems. It’s FUNCOM’s job to optimize the game.”
Guy mentioned that FUNCOM themselves state 8GB RAM as a minimum requirement.
Answer: “We can’t offer 8GB (or higher) Conan servers at the current prices. Sorry.”

And once you pay 150 €/$ for a dedicated server per month you’ll see the difference. Except for like 30 men PVP battles in front of a base these servers will run smoothly without problems. Compare that to the official servers and you can only guess how hosters only supply the very minimum requirements and once 20 people are online… not even accusing the hosters. It’s their job to work as efficiently as possible as a business.

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