Ivory tower has been the most successfull raiding guild since late 2017, clearing T6 in one evening, 2hours max since the guild was created, being the first guild to kill ethram on Saga-realm.
Now we are searching for motivated raiders to clear t6 in a fast failfree way. We search for people that have knowledge of their class, high dps,heal and aggro, fast learners.
Write a tell to Moriala with your class, and some info about you
PS: You dont have to join our guild to join our raids, its a mix of a guild and organized pug.
Haha wtf hey ellesar, yeah well i kinda just had the oppertunity to start playing other chars then tank for the first time, so reliving the game, are u “back” ingame?
You don’t actually need to sub to do dungeons, everything is free nowdays (if you have the expansions), if you just wanna run dungeons and raids and don’t really care about the extra relics you can do that without premium.
Thanks for the info, but I would be playing at least 3 classes which I guess is still impossible with F2P. I’ll get going on reinstalling and maybe be online during the weekend.
Depends how many extra char slots you bought back then. A f2p account gets 1 (maybe 2 but pretty sure it’s 1 these days) default unlocked char slot.
Additional slots you had won’t get locked though. This goes for slots you bought and slots you got as a gift in the subscription deals or anniversary events back then.
exactly, there are so many variables, it depends a lot on how old the account is, what deals you had at that time, what bonuses you have unlocked, how many slots you have bought.
There are f2p accounts with many unlockable characters. I do not know how many I have, I have 4 characters and I can unlock all 4, maybe even 5, despite never having bought a slot, my account is very old