Jhebbal claws fixed?

They ever fix them to were we can repair them or just a 10 min timer and poof gone

It’s intended by Funcom that they have a short decay timer.

They need 2 really lower the cost then… or let us repair

can they be repaired with a legendary repair kit? i personalty haven’t tried

No they cant be repaired.

They really do need to reconsidder the cost and value of the items.

Lets take into considderation the following

The claws are Daggers. They have a fast move set sure. But at the end of the day they are still daggers. With 9 armor pen and a static 51 damage.

Currently these can be surpassed by other legendary daggers.

The Shank
The Venom Infused
Whirlwind blades (Roughly 61 damage with a higher armor pen than the claws.)

All of these can be repaired. Each one bleeds. The Shank Cripples. The Venom Infused daggers melt through bosses that are not poison immune pretty easily.

Whirlwind and Malace and Havoc out perform the claws and most other daggers.

Sadly the claws are out performed and while amazing in their animation. For the cost of the weapon id rather just stick with Snakebite if I want a religious themed dagger set.


They have an insanely fast move set and it is kind of combination of both attack move and dodge roll - giving you a chance to deal damage and not get surrounded by group of enemies. Removing timer will make them extremely op.

They can be repaired infinitely for free

I agree with that. But I have yet to see a single person use them to be honest.

How?? Curious…

u pvp? they use them, oh they use them

I do on a PVE C server. But rarely. I see the benefit and I can see the effect. But I prefer something less situational considering we don’t PVP all the time.

I guess that is why I prefer something easier to repair.

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