The claws should not be on a timer considering how much time and resources you have to use to use to create them. Plus they don’t have no bleed, poison, or sunder effects to them. I like the weapons but they aren’t really worth the effort especially since they’re on a timer. Please fix asap. Thank you.
Claws literally killed this game lol
Maybe true but it still sucks that players spend X amount of time just to get the alter upgraded to get the claws just for them to last 10 mins… all honesty, I was Abit pissed when I noticed the timer. I kinda feel like there should be NO timer for weapons. That’s kinda stupid to have.
Not this one
The others which was loot-able, not craftable…
Also it didnt kill the game. Some people were just bad with it and had no chance against them… Look how long was spear the meta in PvP, but they were easier to handle…
@FixConan At the Den there can be a rare boss and he also drops claws, which are normal items (so repair-able). This claws were also the reason for the nerf.
It really did. I’ve participated in loads of arguments about this and the number of people that quit the game when claws were broken (maybe they still are, I haven’t played) is astounding. They literally made all other weapons near obsolete, made enc obsolete, and made overall skill obsolete when outnumbered. The odds of you winning a fight while outnumbered against claws was near 0, and the chances of you being able to run away without claws of your own were pretty much negative.
Trash clans suddenly became scary because of claws and would just roam in packs. So many good pvpers quit the game because trash players were suddenly more than just a nuisance. And before you say “jUsT tRaDe wItH hyPeR aRMor,” I’ll tell u that it only worked on really garbage players in 1v1 and only if it was daggers w poison. Any other weapon and they could just roll away and claw away to heal because there’s no way you catch them without claws. All pvp literally boiled down to “do you have claws?”
Not to mention they were super easy to farm, and avatars got disabled around the same time so garbage clans with millions of claws were incredibly hard to raid.
When trash clans started killing me with claws, I decided to start using them too and literally didn’t die once in an entire week of pvping constantly every day. That crap was just not fun for so many people including myself and the fact that it wasn’t hot-fixed is ridiculous.
Idk how things are now with the weapon changes and whatnot, but claws are a weapon that NEVER needs to be buffed again simply because they’re mechanically impossible to balance.
You are 100%. The spamming of light made them a cheese fest. They over nerfed, but even now, watch if someone uses them. The light attack still glitches, and they will hyper jump across your screen, almost like a lag switch. The animation for attack is still broken, thus allowing for frame jumping i believe. Not near as bad as before, but still a freaking nuisance to fight someone using them, espeically if they are really just trolling you. They are still a great get away tool in an open area, just not as lethal if you want to confront them.
So it came to pass the Meta was born in Conan🙏
Except claws weren’t just a meta. They were game breaking. Sprinting became useless. Other weapons became useless. Trash players became decent.
Spears were a meta. Not game breaking. No base mechanics became useless. Other weapons had situational uses. Trash players stayed trash.
Not that I liked spear meta either, but it at least wasn’t game breaking. I killed plenty of spear users back in the day when I used other weapons, one of them being a heavy armor katana build. But claws made katana a literally useless weapon alongside all the other weapons.
Trash players became decent? So for some it was, Game-making!
Also, you can’t polish a . No matter how many claws you give them.
Long live the hammer!
Uh yea except when it’s literally just multiple mashing buttons you’re dead. And no hammer will save u because you’re running outa stam first
Not that it matters anymore because they were apparently rightfully nerfed
What I dont get, why was claws meta bad, but every other meta is good?
Because all the “pros” got killed? Didnt see SirDavewolf or other really good PvPers at YouTube complaining… Maybe the complainers were not pro?
I just meant the hammer “meta” was next… long live the war axe😂
Many would say any Meta is bad. The fact is, it is in human nature to find the “Meta” in any given situation.
I never struggled to fight the claw crusaders. For every offence there is a defence (and vice versa). Throwing weapons were the strongest defence in this instance.
Anyway, no the claws shouldn’t have a timer. Not when the bestial claws still exist without one.
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