Jhebbal Sag tier 3 vanished

Game mode: Online / non-official server (Eu/PvE Redux)
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: EU

I just updated my Jhebbal Sag temple to tier 3, after a lot of hard work.
Turned my back while it was creating the tier 3, came back and saw absolutely nothing.
No temple, just empty space. Tried relogging, still nothing.
My guildmate checked if he could see it, but no.
So updating to tier 3 made it fully disappear…
What now, Funcom? I am really pissed off!

What did you place below? I lost 5 different T3 Altars recently due to similar stuff.

Yeah, it seems everyone on my server lost altars. I have no altars because of this bug too.

Hey @Nimeesha

Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.

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