Jimmy Rigsby... I am at a loss

I get up to where I need to find this guy, and I cannot remember from my last play through. I get the dyno mite to find the guy before Jimmy , but when I go to pick up more dyno mite they are all unstable and nothing is back on the box for me to use. I can understand if there is a cool down period but this seems to be a bit long. Not sure if it is a bug or what am I missing.

If I recall correctly you don’t need more dynamite after blowing up the wall to get to Sam WIlson.

Check out the guide on https://www.tswdb.com/missions/blue-mountain/the-ghosts-and-the-darkness/ if you haven’t already…

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I did, but I cannot get the second dyno mite. and you need the first one to get to the second blast area… I may call for in game assistance

Did you try leaving, pausing the mission, and starting again?

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I figured it out… I did not need the second set of dyno mite… oddly all the mission help sites said other wise…all is good , thank you all for helping… May make note of this incase next time lol


I don’t know which guide you’ve been following, but you’ve only ever needed to blow up one wall. The TSWDB guide just tells you to pick it up early.


Yep! The TSWDB guide makes note of it while you’re in the same room for sake of ease. It’s perfectly fine to have the dynamite early since the act of picking it up isn’t the actual action that moves the mission forward. The guide only tells you to go back and get dynamite if you don’t already have it by that point.

I am sorry though that it’s caused confusion. ;-;

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There is one guide that side I had to jump over the seal to place the dyno mite … oh well at leat I made it through. now to figure out the Krumpus thing…