Journey Chapter 9:10

Many people have talked about how they couldn’t complete this journal entry on here in the past. I my self have tried to complete this entry and couldn’t do it. And I have read all of the Giant-King Lore stones in the Exile Land. And I believe that I know why even I wasn’t able to complete this. On further inspection on how to complete this, I had noticed something about it as I was reading the description on how to complete this. The title is Discover all of the Giant-King Obelisks. But in the description on how to complete this, it said to find and read all of the Giant-King lore stones. As far as I know is that the Giant-King Obelisks and Giant-King Lore stones are not the same. They’re separate parts of the game and still are to this day. I believe that if the title of this matches the description. Then that should fix this issue with the game. In other words replace Obelisk with Lore stone in the title or replace Lore stone in the description with obelisk.

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