There needs to be some kind of penalty for someone who is constantly pulling npcs to bases amd killing pets. I know people have used my base thralls to kill mobs, been online amd inside my base as its happened. Im constantly logging in to find pets dead amd my harvester golems dying off nm plus all the reapirs i have to do to my base from climbing on it. People need to have some respect. The reason i play on a pve server is to avoid other players messing with me. The only thralls they can kill are dancersnat my teleporters which i had boxed in so its not like indont try to protect them. For now i have closed off my basenamd map room along with my teleporters.
Yeah this is bad, try to avoid building near world bosses or just build a wall around your thralls with palisades so mobs lose aggro
If you have built close enough to NPCs for them to be pulled into your base or to your thralls, it is on you to make sure they are strong enough to handle what may come their way.
On my last server I was close enough to Rotbranch for it to be pulled to my thralls. I had four strong ones out front that could handle it.
Be mindful of where you place your thralls and how powerful they are.
I lost a very good thrall because I put them on guard duty near a wolf spawn. One day I logged on and found them missing. I looked at the server log and found out a corrupted wolf killed them. They weren’t powerful enough on their own to solo the beast. It caught me by surprise.
Some npcs wander when a player is close by. It’s like the server AI switches on and off based on player proximity. It’s not always a deliberate action from a player. Sometimes they’re just passing by and consequently a powerful npc becomes active and wanders closer to your base.
or you could take responsibility for where you placed your thralls.
You all do get there are at least 2 exploits that can be used to kill your thralls, right? Even on PVE.
the OP has seen people pull NPCs into his thralls, that isn’t the issue here
Yup… this happened to me too. It sucks, but you learn. Also, keeping them in pairs is a good idea, and away from an area where they’re likely to be pinned. I lost a really good OP relic hunter with good equipment a while back to a single regular shoebill while offline. I replaced her with two other thralls and haven’t had an issue since.
Read this @Sky1 it’s important!
Try not to build close to npc camps and world bosses because of two very important reasons. Your base is lagging the camp, which means your action for building close to npc camps will create frustration to the good players and will give a reason for troll to the not so good ones. Same goes to the building close to world bosses. Again the good players will lag and now you have another issue. The new comers will use your thralls or pets to kill the world boss and gain the key for an early legendary weapon. This is not a crime you know, this is cunning .
Our thralls and pets are not walls. It’s ok to have 2 really strong thralls in front of your gate but keep the rest in. In order to protect the 2 guardian thralls it would be smart to create a small barricade to prevent npcs or mobs to attack them, or place a bunch of archers to support them.
Aren’t we all? I totally agree. There’s a small detail however here. You play pve online. That means you share the server. So not building close to npc camps, not building close to world bosses and protect your thralls is mandatory. If you do something different the result you already know!
If this was before the AoW update - basically nothing was powerful enough to solo a corrupted wolf. That thing was worthy of being called the true final end boss of the game.
My thralls are inside my base, it was open so people could use my map room. My teleporters were also open amd my dancers enclosed in t4 walls. Not near anything that could kill my human thralls, my thralls are very strong. Ive been in my base and have seen people intentionally pull stuff over, even with the doors closed they just pull stuff up to the walls amd my thralls will attack through them. Point is others have lost acess due to others disrespectfulbehavior. Stuff like pets amd yetis etc… are easily killed.
I bet FC would say it is intentionally left that way. With AoW’s tether, … hmmm.
IMHO. The one resource you should be mostly concerned with is water.
Then food.
Can you even kite something further than 30 meters in AoW CH 1?
Good question. Maybe, if you let them hit you all the way. Dodge two attacks in a row and they lose interest and go home.
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