How do you knock players off their horses? We’ve been battling a clan that is really good on horse back. When they not on horse back we can take them on no probs but as soon as they fetch their horses we are in trouble. I know they get knocked off when their stamina runs out and you hit them but how else do we get them off? They have realized we can’t get them off so now they don’t even bother coming at us without their horses. Such a pain.
you could train some cavalrymen too. no??
We did just that. Now it’s battle of the horseman. Not conan anymore. lol
Be a good archer, is option one, direct hit can knock them off the horse, and second be good with spears, if direct hit with a pike, that can cause them to fall off aswell
thats what i know after playing 6300 hours+
The new their 4 archer perk has a knock back/knock down effect. Try using this to knock an enemy off their horse.
Let me know how it goes.
Let me say upfront that I don’t have any PvP experience so I don’t know how well this will translate to a PvP server. But in my PvE/Singleplayer games, when I ride my horse through a large NPC camp, it seems like the archers really do some serious stamina damage to my horse. So maybe run some tests to see if firing cripple shots at the horse will dismount the rider more quickly. Maybe it can be cripple from a different weapon too. Or maybe it has nothing to do with cripple. It’s not something you can really test on singleplayer or PvE. Just play around with it. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn’t.
Use high damage weapons. Roll to dodge the horse and then immediately swing in with a high damage axe (preferably yogs touch). Two or three hits to dismount the player who will also be really low on HP then.
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