Kunar The Invader - agility or strength

So, I decided to park my Dalinsia in my newly built, awkward looking pyramid after I discovered Kunar The Invader in one of my storage chests. Apparently I captured him more than year ago and forgot about him.

So I decided to level him. I got him +% strength gear and a Ghoulish Blade (2h sword, strength). Got him to level 19 before realizing his bonus attribute is agility…

Does that mean I’m stupid and should deck him in +% agility gear and get him an agility weapon instead?

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The only issue with agility weapons on thralls is that they lack hyperarmor like maces. Which means if he is tanking for you, he’s going to get stunlocked more.

If you hold the attention of the enemy yourself, this shouldn’t be a problem.

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Even 2 handed agility swords like Adventurer’s Blade?

That should be good. It’d only have the limitations 2-Handed swords usually have. Which is universally regarded as a decent pay off compared to the AOE you get from it.

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So, to sum it up: craft him a set of +agi armor and give him a 2h agi sword to get the most out of his stats?

Purely IMHO: if you have mace momentum, then you don’t need to change anything, and if not, then your option is agility.

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Personal opinion - eh whatever. Thrall stats make so little difference overall - it’s the ‘hidden modifiers’ (DamageModifierMelee and DamageModifierRanged) that really make the biggest difference. As others have suggested, there may be some small benefit to switching him to agility gear, but it’s unlikely to be significant, and unlikely to be a problem if you don’t.

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Thanks for all the answers, folks!

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The thrall stats are fairly pointless, they make very little difference in actual gameplay. I just equip every thrall with a mace which has proven to be the most effective weapon over the years. If i happen to have an exceptionally agility based fighter then i might throw a katana or something at him just for fun but it doesn’t make much difference in the overall performance, kills everything in it’s path since the creatures are so weak these days. And against a human player everything is useless so that really isn’t something to waste time thinking about.

While those hidden modifiers are very important, when you’re looking at a bonus of 24% or 41% from strength or agility that could be an extra 12-15 dmg. Especially if the intent is to use a two-handed sword.

I would point out that the OP has placed the thrall and intends to use them. If they had to choose between Kunar or a better thrall because they were close to their follower limit, then yeah the hidden modifier is going to matter more. But this isn’t that situation.

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Tenho quase certeza que esse conjunto é igual a esse aqui :sweat_smile:

@Funcom_Community @FuncomNews

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lol I knew someone would take a piss at his armour choice

Well, in this case, modifiers do not affect the choice, because the author of the topic intended to use the fighter specifically for close combat. Here, only the weapon that he has and is ready to give to the fighter makes sense. Therefore, purely logically, if a fighter has a good mace, even the preferred characteristics of agility can be leveled out and not taken into account.


I had a good experience with an agility-fighter with claw weapons.

The damage way okay-ish. The total damage was good, but not great. But the very fast attacks seemed beneficial when fighting weak enemies or finishing off wounded ones.

But the stagger was the real point. The thrall attacked very quickly at the start of combat, and kept the enemy busy. That allowed my mace-wielding thrall to attack uninterrupted.

So maybe… make Kunar into Clawnar.

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You seem to have the Well-Trained perk, so yeah, Hyperarmor is important. Blade of the Adventurer should be good.

If you were running with two thralls, having one with daggers (to stagger the opponent) and another with a heavy weapon (for more DPS) has worked for me. But for tanking, daggers aren’t great because the thrall may decide to love back-flipping a bit too much.

Kunar has weak-ish hitpoints, so his tanking ability is mediocre anyway. So if he’s your tank, I’d focus on armor that keeps him alive, rather than optimizing the last few %'s of damage he deals.


20 strength with hanumans gada will be just fine. Buff his armor with strength pieces and give him the necessary buffs and he will be very effective.
I rarely give to agility thralls agility weapons unless their agilty is over 60. Let’s be honest when you have weapons that touch 100 dmg then it’s best to use them. But since you play Siptah, isn’t Mastodon killer available?


Today I learned that weapon exists.


Oh worry not fellow exile. My dearest friend @LostBrythunian and my son gave me Intel sometime ago, i didn’t knew it either. Happy to share :metal:.


Mastodon Killer is a fairly beefy blade, or at least was.
This one hasn’t done much since Chapter 4 dropped, so it may be a wet noodle now.

The neat thing about Mastodon Killer is that the monster that drops it also has a chance to drop Curved Slayer, which is a high end (70+ attack, 12+ penetration) Katana with the execution effect, so you could get gear for a strength or agility thrall.

Edit: Also, note that the “Mallet” (also in the same loot table) is not a mace, it is a one handed axe in attack pattern and stats. It is the legendary weapon that looks basically identical to a Starmetal repair hammer


Thanks a lot! I just finished scouring the Blacksail Harbor, before I realized that I’m barking up the wrong tree and the skeleton/wight bosses don’t drop these things.

Can you tell me where can I find a Forlorn Soul? These arent the usual blue flickering wights, are they?

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