Kunar The Invader - agility or strength

I think they are the gold ones near the tower.


Oh these ones. Funny how these bosses are very manageable, but I need to steer clear of ever Accursed mob out there, since they seem so powerful now.

Aye, the glowy skeleton near the tower.
Purely anecdotal, but this one has had better luck with the one on the Pirate side rather than the Stygian side. Besides, the Stygian side one gets replaced by the sacred hunt event sometimes.

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Give him a Bec-de-Corbin if you have it. I always outfit my thralls to take advantage of their attributes. I would suggest Stygian Soldier armor for the +5% Agi on every piece. You can throw it on the bench and illusion whatever you want over it.

EDIT: Tailoring the food during leveling, the armor, and the weapon around the attributes is probably why I haven’t lost a thrall in combat in years.

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