Legendary weapons... unrepairable in the Age of War?

This one is not best pleased with the development.
Many parts of the update remind this one of other ARPGs such as Diablo in the gear drop quality and loot and trash cycle. Or “soulslike” games with the way stamina management is going.
Neither of which are the reason this one likes this game.

That having been said, from the buffs this one has seen, there would need to be some sort of stop gap. Legendaries finally have legendary power. However, acquiring them is no legendary feat (other than the RNG to get the one you want). In this way, one is encouraged to change their build (easier now given where the respec potions have been moved to) to accommodate the best loot they have recently acquired, rather than seeking out and maintaining the gear that supports their favourite build.

For some players, there will be the megalixir paradox. The treasure is too good to use and will simply end up being hoarded. Which fits with the trophy room idea they are implementing.
Alternatively, the gear, far too good to risk damaging in the player character’s hands, will be entrusted to Thrall. Who is no longer the main character… But let’s see how they do when fully kitted in legendaries…
This one is amused. Not enthused, but taking what solace they can where they can.

This one’s solution would be that when a legendary is recycled, it becomes the only material that can repair legendary gear. But also, where Legendaries can be obtained might want to be dialed back a bit.

As for your concern @DaVice, there is an entire thread about that particular issue.